HCI ordered to pay Beretta's legal fees!


New member

The following press release was distributed by Beretta U.S.A. Corp. this week regarding a lawsuit against them that was sponsored in part by Handgun Control, Inc.


Beretta U.S.A. Corp.
17601 Beretta Drive
Accokeek - Maryland 20607


January 22, 1999 -- Alameda County, California Superior Court Judge Richard Hodge today ordered plaintiffs in the case Dix v. Beretta U.S.A. Corp. to pay Beretta U.S.A. for costs incurred by the company while defending itself in the litigation, which was filed by the plaintiffs with the assistance of Handgun Control, Inc. and the San Francisco law firm of Hersh & Hersh. The Dix case received national publicity when the parents of a teenage youth shot by a friend sued the firearm manufacturer on the theory that the pistol used in the accident should have included "smart gun" technology or an internal locking mechanism to prevent its misuse.

The award of costs was the third consecutive loss for Handgun Control, Inc. in the case, coming on the heels of a decision on January 15, 1999 by the Superior Court to throw out a motion filed by the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (the legal action arm of Handgun Control, Inc.) to dismiss a November 1998 jury verdict in favor of Beretta U.S.A. Corp. on the grounds of juror misconduct.

"Handgun Control, Inc's consistent failure in the Dix case should stand as notice to other litigants that this organization is out of touch with the law and with the merits of these cases," commented Jeff Reh, General Counsel for Beretta U.S.A. Corp. "During the Dix case, Beretta presented its concerns about the safety and feasibility of internal locking devices for handguns and the jury agreed with our reservations about this technology. The jury also overwhelmingly determined that the responsibility for safe storage of any firearm lies with the owner, not with the original manufacturer of the gun."

"More importantly," Reh added, "all potential litigants in cases of this type -- including mayors of cities which might be contemplating filing lawsuits against the firearms industry should note our industry will aggressively defend itself and will seek reimbursement of litigation costs. Any city which thinks that it can sue the firearms industry without financial risk to itself is mistaken."

In addition to Reh, Beretta U.S.A. Corp. was defended in the Dix case by Robert Gebhardt and Craig Livingston of the San Francisco law firm of Bronson, Bronson & McKinnon and by Lawrence Keane of the White Plains, New York law firm of Pino & Associates.

This information is provided as a service of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action, Fairfax, VA.

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited 01-28-99).]
YESSSSSSS!!!(unfortunately, this BB doesn't have the necessary font/format control to allow posting in 72 pt. bright red bold italic type) My heart soars like an eagle. M2

Bury them!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited 01-28-99).]
Please note, the tasteless and disgusting lawyer jokes appearing elsewhere in this forum are not directed, in any shape, manner or form thereto, to the aforementioned, astute, and nearly sainted Robert Gebhardt and Craig Livingston of the San Francisco law firm of Bronson, Bronson & McKinnon and Lawrence Keane of the White Plains, New York law firm of Pino & Associates.

Although the aliases used by the participants in this thread unfortunately appear similar to those used in the aforementioned tasteless lawyer joke thread, that resemblance is purely coincidental. ;)

BTW - Y I P P E E !!!
"...Lawrence Keane of the White Plains, New York law firm of Pino & Associates...."

My, I'll bet SENATOR Schumer is touched.
(I've always considered him "touched".)

The news that Liberty died has been grossly exaggerated.
Man, I wish there was a "Joyous Backflip" emoticon...this whole affair has me terrified. But YEAH! All is not lost.
Thank God! Beretta should now counter sue Handgun Control for filing frivolous lawsuits and go for punitive damages if at all possible. Never hit a man when he's down...it makes much more sense to kick them :)
HCI has admitted that their plan was to try to bankrupt gun makers through litagation. If cases continue to go like this, perhaps it will be HCI who ends up bankrupt. Sounds good to me! :)
Isn't it ironic (and moronic) that rat-bastard booger-eaters on the Left and the Right resort to this kind of low-level tactics to force their beliefs on the rest of us when they can't do it through proper persuasion and established legislative channels? 'Those people' are hardly real Americans.

We really do need to change the legal (sic) system eliminate contingency fees and make so that the looser pays for the costs of this kind of BS litigation. It won't really hinder righteous cases and it shoud sharply reduce the frivolous crap.

And BTW, when I'm elected god, there will be many other changes, too. M2
Mike - I agree we need tort reform, but eliminating contingency altogether would really hurt poor to middle class people. If I'm injured in an accident I don't have $20K on hand for legal fees, so I would have to go contingency to get a decent personal injury lawyer.

Perhaps we should push our legislators to eliminate contingency for public institutions and corporations, but I think what happened in this suit is the best, and won't limit freedoms - the loser pays the winner's fees, at the judge's discretion.
BTW, at least SOME of the radical, religious, Right advocate the RKBA. Last I heard was months ago (I don't follow their agenda closely) Pat Robertson said something about the 2nd Amendment to the effect, "I don't see how they can dispute something that is so clearly written." I don't know that the Left is similarly enlightened.

I'm about ready to ask Randy Weaver if I can rent his cabin....
Check out Second Thoughts, the webpage of the Armed Liberal - http://www.arcrafts.com/2think.html

Bottom line - either you believe in free will and free choice (and personal accountability), or you don't. It's part of what being an adult is about.
