HCI Just a Little Upset......

El Jefe

New member
Hey if you are NOT a member of the NRA here is as compelling a case as any to make sure that you are!! HCI is running scared and trying to make the public at large believe their hype. Her is a release that I downloaded off of their websight..... For Immediate Release 9/8/99 SENSIBLE SENATE GUN CONTROL MEASURES COULD BE KILLED BY LATEST NRA ATTACK ON THE FACTS. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN! CALL CONGRESS TODAY!!! With Up to 90% of Americans Supporting Tougher Gun Controls, Latest NRA Mobilization Message Urges Grassroots “Uprising” The headlines above -- and the headlines of too many newspapers across the country -- say it all. Despite shooting after shooting after shooting -- funeral after funeral -- Congress WILL fail to send the President the common-sense gun control measures adopted by the Senate this Spring IF the NRA leadership’s latest fear-mongering campaign goes unanswered. Unless YOU get involved, it simply won’t matter that huge majorities of Americans support the Senate’s reasonable proposals: requiring background checks for all gun show purchasers, insisting that new handguns be sold with trigger locks or other safety devices, and stopping the importation of high-capacity ammunition clips once and for all. Unless YOU make sure that your Representative and Senators get two calls from supporters of the Senate’s sensible new laws for every one by an NRA member frightened by the lies told by his leadership, Americans who might have escaped being on the wrong end of a gun will continue to die. Unless YOU and a friend make those calls now, it may well be too late to keep the Senate’s modest measures from being jettisoned by a House/Senate Conference Committee whose members decide . . . again . . . that the NRA is just too tough to cross. PLEASE, call, fax or write your Representative a note now with a simple two-part message: “I want you to support the Senate’s sensible gun control provisions - especially their gun show background check-- AND I’ll be basing my vote in November of 2000 on what you do.” That’s all there is to it. So, please, make the contact, make the case and make it soon. The NRA has already spent $1.5 million this Spring and Summer and just announced that it will spend at least $1.5 million more to preserve no-questions-asked gun sales at gun shows. There’s only one thing more powerful than their money and their propaganda. . . . YOU. Contact Your Representative Today Contact your representative alright...Tell them you are PRO-GUN and Vote your conscience!! Can you believe this?? Join the NRA and lets put HCI Out of business....

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson
... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited September 09, 1999).]
El Jefe,
If HCI is upset, I'm feeling better! :D

Thanks for the heads-up!
Let's see now:
* One e-mail to each Senator and Representative, and also
- one fax
- one telephone call
- one follow-up letter

* One letter to the editors of:
- San Antonio Express-News
- Both local newspapers

* Oh! And just for fun, one letter to the local anti-gun church which I now do not attend!

Yeah! My word processor and I can handle that! :D :D
Ok, gents, time to steal a page from the oppositions playbook... They say to thier membership to call the members and tell them: “I want you to support the Senate’s sensible gun control provisions - especially their gun show background check-- AND I’ll be basing my vote in November of 2000 on what you do.”

We need to call the members and say:“I want you to defeat the Senate’s nonsensical gun control provisions - especially their gun show background check-- AND I’ll be basing my vote in November of 2000 on what you do.”

Remember that part about your vote in 2000 :)
I think that they may be doing this in response to the NRA sending thousands of Mailgrams and postcards to Rep's and Sen's.

I authorized the NRA to send a mailgram on my behalf last month, and just last week put postcards in the mail to my Senators, Representative, Tom Selleck, Rosie O'Donnell (hock-ptui), and the Pres. of ABC.

I think I'll follow Dennis' lead and send an additional e-mail and maybe even a fax. It never hurts to go above and beyond what the NRA asks, if just to make up for those gun owners who sit on the fence.

"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
Phone calls and letters I have read where most Senators and Reps don't read their e-mail or when the mail servers get full they delete it. I did all the letters and phone calls in Aug. If HCI is up set I am for trying to get them really upset so I guess I will Write and call again. By the way post cards work as well as letter I hear. Like HCI says with two short sentences

1. No more gun control/saftey laws.
2. I will rember how you voted on this in 2000 and vote against you if you vote for gun control.

That should be simple enough to register on their little brains.
So HCI is unhappy with some of the press. No surprise. They have long advocated some form of press censorship to eliminate publications that promote ownership of firearms.

You are right about them either deleting or ignoring our E-mails. My way around this problem is print out a copy of your E-mail, and snail mail it to them. Besides remembering how they vote, I always insist on a reply. Works for me.
Paul B.