HCI is suing El Jefe/The Armed Citizen!

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Dennis Olson

New member
Just got this via email:

Pro gunners, Pro RKBA'ers If ever there was a time that you were needed it is NOW!

Last year on December 11th 1999 I launched the Anti-HCI site at www.handguncontrol.net This site has been dedicated to dispelling the Anti gun rhetoric that too often is touted as truth We at the Anti HCI site have used the site ONLY for the edification of the General public to promote responsible, legal, safe firearms ownership and to bring you Pro-gun news and articles and HCI sees that as a threat!

We have spent only our own personal time and money to keep the site running as well as other pro gun sites that most of you know well. We are in dire straits and need the assistance of every pro gunner. HCI is suing us!! They want the domain name Handguncontrol.net because we have become a thorn in their side.

We have made an impact by replacing their fiction with facts and they are turning their attentions to us. They do not want people to know the truth and now seek to shut us down. We have very limited resources and an organization the size of HCI will overwhelm us eventually. We will fight the good fight for our rights but we need your help. We are seeking the support of the NRA, GOA, JFPO etc. to assist us.

If any of you has an "IN" with any of these organizations I urge you to point them in our direction or provide us with a contact that can assist in this matter. We need a good Lawyer and help from big brother ( NRA, GOA, JFPO etc)would be of immense help! Get the Word out, that HCI is trying to railroad us into giving up the domain. Why is HCI so worried about us?? Because the truth is out and people are listening, questioning HCI et al's emotional rhetoric and countering it with the facts and references provided at the Anti-HCI site.

If the Anti-HCI site has been an asset to you I urge you to contact the NRA, GOA JFPO and urge them to assist us in saving the ANTI-HCI site.

NRA 800-392-8683 (ask for the office of the general counsel)
GOA 703-321-8585
JFPO 262-673-9745

I can be reached at my webmasters account Webmaster@handguncontrol.net and will promptly respond to any mail I receive. Thank you in advance for your support. El Jefe Webmaster Handguncontrol.net

[This message has been edited by Dennis Olson (edited October 19, 2000).]
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