HCI is squeezing GW Bush


New member

Guns and money
The owner of the firm that made the assault rifle used in the L.A. shooting was, until
recently, a key George W. Bush fund-raiser.

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By Jake Tapper

August 11, 1999 | WASHINGTON -- Good timing. Just three weeks ago, the
manufacturer of the AR-15 Bushmaster rifle used in Tuesday's shootings at the
North Valley Jewish Community Center resigned suddenly and unexpectedly as
presidential candidate George W. Bush's chief Maine fund-raiser.

Richard E. Dyke, the 65-year-old owner of Bushmaster Firearms in Windham,
Maine, had given the Texas governor the maximum individual contribution allowed
by law, $1,000, and had raised tens of thousands more for his campaign. And more
was to come.

i had not even read this part before posting the above...

About the writer
Jake Tapper is the Washington correspondent for
Salon News. He worked at Handgun Control Inc. for
six months in 1997.

i guess i am not paranoid
I shouldn't have read this link, as now I'm furious and won't be able to go to sleep for a while!

This Nina Butts lady, referred to in the second page of the article, is why I'm really "up in arms." She says of guns shows "Texas gun shows are still a fabulous source of guns for kids and criminals," referring to the fact that Gov. Bush wouldn't sign a bill to close the supposed loopholes.

Does anyone out there know the laws/regulations regarding gun show purchases for non FFL sellers in TX? I'm just curious what they are, if any.

She also states "Gov. Bush has promoted rather than prevented gun violence in Texas...He signed a law to let ordinary citizens carry guns and half a dozen of them have killed people -- and not in self defense"
ARRRGGGHHHHH!!! It would be this ordinary citizen possibly saving her butt if the need arose! Maybe if that happened, she would change her opinion of us mere peasants...

I won't even waste my breath on that Tapper guy....

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
je suis prest
If you want to know more about bushmaster supporting GW Bush go to AR15.com and go to the Bushmaster Forum. The BM rep explained it a while ago.

Also the gun used was not an AR-15 last I heard it was a Glock.
I just read over in Legal that the Glock was used to murder an Asian postal worker sometime before the LA incident, the Bushmaster apparently was in the van or something...

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.
everything i have read says the AR was in the van, yet it is being demonized along with GWB

if HCI is against Bush,
then i guess i am pro Bush...

Gun shows in Texas are no different than they are anywhere else. For example, if I were to be walking through andy show with a handgun I wished to sell to a dealer, that is no problem. Now if I were to be stopped by another patron who inquired about the gun... well.. there is the parking lot.... Just like there is downtown and on the street corners and every OTHER place criminals go.

I go to a show here in Texas every month. And guess what? I meet a lot of people...who are just like me, looking for a deal. Not a table vendor there will sell without doing the paper work. And 90% of the vendors are FFL holders and run the NICS check just like they should.

People shot by CHL hoplders here in Texas? Not that I have seen ANY reports of. I have heard of some self defense. And more stories of crimes that have been STOPPED because of the CHL holder coming to the aid of the victim.

Another case of... if you say a lie loud enough, it must be true.

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
ever read this? http://www.federal.com/jun01-98/Start


But of all the decisions, waivers and export liberalizations
executed on behalf of the Chinese by the Clinton White House,
none rivals what the administration did for Wang Jun, the
princeling chairman of China's state owned arms conglomerate,
Poly Technologies. For years, China had been doing a land office
business exporting to the U.S. semi-automatic rifles and ammo
made by Poly and another arms manufacturer, Norinco. Reportedly,
the gun trade was worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually
to the PRC. But suddenly in 1994, there was a problem: the
Clinton Assault Weapons Ban. Overnight, China's weapons cash cow

Not to worry. According to a Scripps Howard report by Michael
Hedges, which ran on the front page of the March 14, 1997 edition
of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the Clinton administration
granted Wang Jun's Poly Technologies importation permits to flood
America with over 100,000 semi-automatic weapons and millions of
rounds of ammunition -- despite the president's own cherished gun
ban. That was on Feb. 2, 1996 -- just days before Clinton issued
the first satellite waivers for Loral Corp.

It gets worse. On Feb. 6, just four days after the assault
weapon waivers were issued, Wang Jun was ushered into the White
House for a personal meeting with Bill Clinton. Wang's escort
was Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie, who had laundered over $600,000 from
Chinese sources for the Clinton Defense Fund. Combined with his
campaign donations to the DNC, Trie's total contributions to
Clinton coffers topped the million dollar mark in 1996. For that
kind of money, it's a good bet Charlie Trie could bring anybody
he wanted to the White House.

And Charlie Trie wasn't Wang's only solid White House reference.
Charlie had worked with longtime F.O.B. Ernest Green to get Wang
a U.S. visa, though Wang conveniently forgot to mention that he
was a Communist arms dealer on the visa application. Had he
disclosed that fact, Wang Jun would never have been let in the
country, let alone the White House. The day after Wang's visit
with Clinton, Ernie Green's wife donated $50,000 to the DNC.

Except for these import waivers, issued two years after Poly's
rifles had been banned at the president's own direction, there
would have been no legal U.S. market for Wang Jun's guns.

Michael Hedges interviewed lawyers involved in negotiating the
deal, nearly all of whom were stunned when Poly Technologies got
the exclusive approval. "All of a sudden there was a
breakthrough. I can't account for it.", said one attorney.
Another admitted that the Clinton administration had been tying
other arms importers in knots to keep guns out of the country
because the president was opposed. He described the abrupt
turnaround in U.S. import policy as "highly suspicious". And
this was from a guy who was working to make this deal happen.

Last year, Hedges told me that his evidence included signed
copies of the importation permits for Wang Jun's guns. Between
the on-the-record interviews and the documentation, his expose
was rock solid. Yet, despite the fact that the implications of
his report were absolutely staggering, only one New York or
Washington paper thought its readers were entitled to this news.
Eleven days later, The New York Daily News followed up on the
Wang Jun 100,000 gun story.

News Columnist Michael Daly managed to uncover the destination
for Wang's 100,000 guns: a Detroit firm which investigators have
linked to the Chinese Armed Police. The Chinese Armed Police
used similar assault rifles to mow down demonstrators in
Tiananmen Square in 1989.

The massive gun shipment would have gone through, flooding
America's cities with weapons ruled inappropriate by the Clinton
administration, but the deal was suspended in the wake of the
aforementioned COSCO connected smuggling operation - which was
short-circuited by federal agents just weeks after Wang Jun's
importation waivers were granted. On the night of March 18,
1996, undercover Customs and BATF agents accepted delivery of
guns smuggled aboard the COSCO ship Empress Phoenix, as part of
an ongoing sting operation dubbed "Dragon Fire." The undercover
agents had lured the Chinese into making a trial shipment of
Chinese machine guns: a dry run set up to establish a working
relationship before the Chinese granted access to their full
inventory. Besides the smuggled guns, which they recommended for
the California street gang market, the Chinese operatives
explained that they were ready to sell everything from grenade
launchers to shoulder fired Red Parakeet surface to air missiles,
which they boasted could "take out a 747". (Coincidentally, a
Boeing 747 was taken out over the skies of Long Island just
months later.) That March night, federal agents secretly
unpacked COSCO crates containing 2,000 Poly Technologies AK-47's
delivered from the hold of the Empress Phoenix. It was the
largest seizure of fully operational automatic weapons in the
history of U. S. law enforcement.
As an interesting aside to the subject of Chinese weapons imports, I once read an article about a warbird collector bringing a J-5 (the Chinese version of the MiG-15) into the U.S. They cracked the crate open for the Customs inspection to find that not only was the plane shipped, but also the military armament of two NR-23 23mm and one N-37 37mm cannon packed in cosmoline, with a few hundred rounds of ammo to boot! Needless to say, they had a devil of a time convincing Customs that they really hadn't intended to try to import a fully-armed jet fighter!