HCI involvement in Littleton?

This has been doing the rounds, but although I checked NY Times online, I couldn't find any verification. Can anyone out there corroborate the truth (or otherwise) of this??

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>From today's New York Times:


May 5, 1999

A New Hint of Missed Signals in Littleton


DENVER -- In the latest indication that law-enforcement officials
missed early warning signs about the Columbine High School gunmen,
the same sheriff's deputy who investigated their van break-in last
year also took the telephone complaint not long afterward that
they were setting off pipe bombs, a check of records shows.
[big snip]

New details emerged Tuesday about Mark E. Manes, the 22-year-old
arrested on Monday on suspicion of providing the two young gunmen
a Tec-DC9, a powerful semiautomatic pistol that was one of four
firearms they used in their assault on Columbine High, in Littleton.
Manufacture of the weapon has been barred by federal law since 1994,
although existing guns may be sold among adults -- but not to
minors -- without criminal records.

His lawyer, Robert L. Ransome, said Manes bought the weapon at a
gun show near Denver last fall and sold it in late February to one
of the youths. Ransome would not say which boy had bought the gun,
although both were then under 18.

On three occasions in the month before the Columbine killings, the
lawyer said, Manes went up "into the mountains" with the two youths
to fire automatic [sic] weapons.

"Mark did not know this was going to happen," Ransome said of the
Columbine killings. "When you are up in the woods shooting with
kids, you just think, 'Hey, they like weapons."'

Manes lives around the corner from Isaiah Shoels, a Columbine senior
who was killed in the high school. His mother, Diann Manes, is a
member of Handgun Control Inc., the nation's largest gun-control

"She has been against guns forever," Ransome said, waving a Handgun
Control mass-mailing letter addressed to Mrs. Manes. "Mark grew up
in a house where no weapons were present."[/quote]

haven't heard anything about this....interesting twist. Will keep a look see for further details. If his Mom was NRA, HCI would be all over it...perhaps, if this is true, HCI should be investigated on conspiracy ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
There have been previous suggestions of anti-gun group involvement in mass killings. It seems incredible, but some people, like those who kill abortion doctors, really do believe that killing a few is justified if it can save many.

And there have been some odd coincidences - killings just as legislation needs a push, killings with the same type of weapon which would be banned, killings just after anti-gun groups warn that legislation must pass to save lives, etc.

There have also been questions raised as to how at least two "derelicts" (Purdey and Ferguson) got the money for travel to "lax law" states to buy guns and ammunition.

Still, it seems a reach, and even I find it hard to believe.

Here is the info from the CNN page.

Manes' parents, Michael and Diane, are longtime gun opponents who have never kept a weapon in the home, Ransome said. Diane Manes belongs to a coalition that lobbies for gun control laws.


They don't name HCI for some reason ;)

May I please preface this post by saying I am not a "conspiracy theorist". (It's important to understand that.) BUT, considering some of the comments above ....

Those who are interested and haven't seen this before should go and have a look at:


It relates to the shooting at Port Arthur in Tasmania which was the "trigger" (poor choice of words) for the wholesale confiscation of Australian firearms and the "new" firearms regulations.

I draw no conclusions .. it's up to you ... but it sure as hell is interesting!!

To heck with the conspiracy theory, IMO here's where the leverage lies in this story.

What if this guy had been a member of the NRA? Why the press would take it as proof positive that the NRA promotes violence ... just look, the NRA guy hung out shooting guns with boys who later killed lots of people ... therefore the NRA is culpable. (They tried to hang that on us with McVeigh)

Now this is the same story except that you can replace NRA with HCI. Well, this proves that being rabidly anti gun only serves to make your children intensly curious about guns and weapons, right? Couple that with the fact that they have to sneak around and hide them, and don't have a responsible adult to teach them how to use them safely. HCI's position is obviously a recipe for just this kind of disaster.

Or another angle: Media violence is so pervasive that even wildly extremist parents who are violently opposed to guns can't keep their kids from learning about them and developing an overwhelming curiosity about them. It's like sex ed, the best way to deal with it is to teach your children about it not to try to ban it from them.

Too bad the press will ignore this little tidbit so studiously. It makes a great story! ;-)

Wow - this is very interesting news indeed!

So let's see - the son of a Handgun Control, Inc. member sold an 'assault' pistol to the criminals who massacred children at Columbine High School. Think about it ...

Hell of a coincidence. Wish I had checked HCI's and VPC's web sites earlier in the day before the incident occurred. They wouldn't have posted anything about the massacre even before it occurred, would they? Nah ... that's unbelievable.

Of course, most of what HCI does is unbelievable. If this is indeed true, it needs to be mentioned over, and over, and over.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited May 08, 1999).]
It has also been noted, perhaps in these forums, that one of the two slimeballs who went on that spree had a parent or parents that were anti-gun, among other things (liberal leanings).
according to the rocky mtn news. in mon. or tues. edition/ IT STATED THAT MANES PARENT'S WERE IN FACT MEMBER'S OF HCI. that was it nothing more since then.