HCI had to bow to Pressure from Beretta!

El Jefe

New member
You are not gonna believe this!! Beretta has been in HCI's Butt about the use of their Beretta 92 on their page, To date HCI has refused to remove it from their site HOWEVER it seems that all of our hard work was not for naught!! Beretta has forced HCI to Alter their Websight AND It has gotta hurt, they tried to make it as Unnoticeable as posible however if you go to HCI's website you will notice a disclaimer in RED on the bottom of their page and it states the following:
Our website uses images of specific firearms for illustrative purposes. Needless to say, our use of such images should not be construed as an endorsement of our objectives by the manufacturers of such firearms."
Can you believe that?? That has gotta hurt like a Stick in the eye!! Now both Beretta And HCI have Disclaimers with info Concerning HCI's Use of the Beretta 92 on it's page!!

Now for the follow up part....We ALL called and Gave Beretta Grief about allowing HCI to use it's Beretta 92 on it's page, Beretta said they would address the situation and they did, It is now time to get back on the Phones and on the E-mails and Praise Beretta for taking the time to Address this given the sheer amount litigation they are currently in.
You can jump off to both sites from my Webpage if you so desire, HCI...Click on these experts agree, Beretta USA click on the Silver Beretta Icon.

We were quick enough to drop in on them when we were outraged at what we saw, we must be just as swift with our praise and support. Here it is E-mail malbert@beretta.com (leadership Forum) or call 1-800-528-7453 and ask for the Legal Dept so that you can thank MR. Jeff Reh and his Staff.
Reproduce this post at will and pass it on as only you can!! THANK YOU for all of your support, we have gotten a lot accomplished IMHO since I first posted in September of this year!! Make those calls, Send those E-mails! Take care and God Bless, El Jefe

***DC Sorry for the duplicatepost but the Other was getting quite lenghty...El Jefe***

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
Let's see, Miami courts repealed a move to sue handgun manufacturers for "user carelessness," HCI is forced to print a disclaimer on their website (still not in full view of everyone), this year isn't ending SO badly.

One thing that would really make my year is to see HCI disbanded altogether.

"And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree..."
That's funny - I could not find an e-mail address on HCI's website. Guess they don;t want to let the folk contact them and tell them that they are wrong. LOL
HCI does not want anyone contacting them unless it is to give them a few million bucks in grant money. They are very short with anyone who wants to discuss the issues.

I would suppose they have an unlisted number for big contributors from Hollywood, the leftist foundations, and possibly less savory big money types. If you watched "The Sopranos" tonight, you might figure out why some folks just don't want law-abiding people to have guns.

HCI has NEVER had an e-mail address at their site because they don't want to hear what we have to say.

Don't try to confuse them with facts; their minds are made up.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.