HBO special on WACO


New member
Well worth the watching. HBO presented some footage of the WACO scene that shows the FBI firing on the compound numerous times, Even with documented film of the events, the FBI still maintained they never fired. The thermal signature of the FBI shots is explained as *Reflected sunlight*. Even Janet Reno lamely describeing a borrowed tank as being "Like a rental car", which is such a totally absurd statement, wasn't remotely funny. Kind of a gutsy move on HBO's part to portray the whole WACO standoff as the government out of control from beginning to end. It left me feeling that at any time, at any place, the government can and will do anything they damn well please.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
There's supposed to be an outstanding documentary film on Waco that shows clips from the congressional hearings and from the press reports at the time. The two different clips are supposed to cover the same subject, but the same officials give contradicting answers. The title is something along the line of, "Tragedy at Waco." I've looked for, but haven't been able to find it.
It just confirmed what I have thought all along. I think they murdered those people, plan and simple.
The thing that maddens me the most is that the Republicans reamed the ATF and FBI during the hearings and let them skate in the end. I don’t know what the Republicans got in exchange ,but I hope it was worth it.

I got a kick out of the ATF guy saying that they were out gunned and that they only had 9mm’s while the picture was clearly showing most of the men with assault rifles.

As has happened many times in this administration, they get caught with there pants down and we get screwed.
From what I've heard. 20/20 had a deal on Waco and Ruby Ridge tonight, also. What unmitigated CRAP! It was a rerun from several years ago, but somehow it seemed different to me, as if it had been edited to show Randy Weaver, and the Branch Davidians more as wacko's than in the previous showing. Ah yes, our honest and fair media. There was a sequence where the "Wicked Witch of DC", Janet Reno said she took full resonsibility for both actions. If that was the case, why wasn't she prosecuted for the murder of Vicki Weaver, and the Branch Davidians? The documentary on Waco was being rented by Blockbuster Video. When I went to rent it, I was told they no longer had it. Knowing one of the kids working there, I asked how come it was gone? She said "We were ordered to remove it from the shelves." I asked if I could order and buy a copy, and was told NO! I wonder what brought this about? Or should I say who?
Paul B.

Just watched it this evening and all I can say is........WOW!

I tried to keep an open mind but was not able to after the first 30 min's into the movie. Unless I have forgot a lot of what was shown on the news, this documentary had a lot, and I mean a lot, of government testimony in it that I have never heard before. Damaging testimony against the FED! If I was a juror, and this had been a trial, the government never came close to proving it's case against the Branch Davidians. You have got to see this! The double-talk and spin on the part of the FED's was unbelievable! Makes Klinton look like a 1st grader. Even showed what I believe were "Night Stalkers".

The audio tapes they played of conversations between David and the FED's were full of so many half truths and outright lies on the part of the FED's, it was sicking. One FED changed his story 5 times during a conversation. The best part, no need to verify any of this because it is the original stuff. Everything shown or said was directly from the people saying or doing it.

I think this is the one you were looking for.

Absolutely a must see!

What bothered me the most? What continues to bother me? The reports of FBI agents mooning the compound. For the people inside this was a life or death situation.

The title of this film is "Waco:Rules of Engagement." It was nominated for an Acadamy Award the year it was released, but didn't win.
I seem to remember at one time having a url for a place where one could order a copy of this film. If I can locate it, I will post it here.
Did anyone notice that the AK supposedly "recovered as evidence" was pristine? Doesn't look to me like it went through a fire of that magnitude.
Anyone who can watch this film and come away still convinced that the gov't did no wrong is either insane or a fascist.
Pay particular attention to the scenes showing the very begining of the raid. Note that one sees no bullet strikes in the ground or vehicles around the ATF.
If the BD's wanted to conduct an ambush, they could have killed half the ATF in the fisrt few second by simply opening up on those covered livestock trailers. 10 men armed with .22 repeaters would have been sufficient for the job. Some "ambush."

"Don't be sad, don't be blue, your government lied to you too."

Shoot straight regards, Richard
And we know for sure if they had .50 cal. machineguns (like they were supposed to according to the feds) and were planning an ambush. Well, there were not enough BATF agents at the scene to have done much.

Remember, according to Janet Reno, if you have a stockpile of food, several firearms and believe in a religion, you are a member of a cult. Cults are fair game to the feds.

Sleep well.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 20, 1999).]
"Waco: Rules of Engagement" is an excellent documentary. HBO seems to run it every few months. If you haven't seen it yet, you should.
I remember reading that the producers originally approached this project from a position that was supportive of the governments actions. As filming progressed, they found more and more inconsistencies in the governments story. Many of these discrepancies were never reported by the mainstream media during the siege or its aftermath. They are brought to light in this documentary.
It's a disturbing film, sometimes difficult to watch, and it will probably make you angry.
Probably the most telling scene was the comment the local Sheriff shared with the film crew as the feds were bulldozing what remained of the BD compound after the fire: "I've never seen a crime scene treated like this in my entire life!".
I'm glad to hear the show was well done. i didn't watch for fear it would be another white wash, and would cause me great anger
(which the wife just as soon i didn't have).
now, maybe i'll watch it. thanks for the review!! :)

fiat justitia
waco was built mostly of ply-wood, and they had no .50 cal arms or some feds at 1000 yds
would have had holes in them, one of these
days FEDS will mess with some dug in hard
core ****s who have the hardware to stop a
Abrams, or shoot down a Apache, and everyone
in side will have full auto rifles and grenede launchers, what will the feds use then? neutron bombs? its sad anyone died, but
its twisted to listen to how 4 federal agents
where killed in the line of duty, their duty
was to protect the lifes of ALL in the compound, alot of unarmed children died in
Waco, but not one FED was indicted for murder
but the survivors of WACO were charged with murdering the MURDERING FEDS! its like are
lifes don't matter as much as a federal agents life,they can carry any weapon, they
can shoot your dog or family,now they can lie
under oath and not one ever will be prosecuted for the least of their crimes.
I saw that film a couple of weeks ago and taped it the next night. If it doesn't make you fuming mad, then you're already dead. I was especially touched by the poor atf agent-in-charge who was sobbing in the congressional hearing about how they were outgunned, it must have been terrifying having every one of those men, women and children firing at them all at once. In reality, the agents that were killed were probably killed by "friendly" fire. (That's probably an oxymoron.) We all know how good a shot most federal agents are and they never panic in those situations. Also, I'm sure the tank drivers were afraid as they poured the CS into the buildings only to have it turn to mustard gas when it ignited, some of it could have leaked out and given them watery eyes.
Karanas>Probably the most telling scene was the comment the local Sheriff shared

I'm not sure if it was that or the scene where the same sheriff stated that the BD's were just nromal folks with slightly different religious beliefs.

Jim V>if you have a stockpile of food, several firearms and believe in a religion

I'm not sure it's that good. I think the feds are about to the point of "If you've got a pulse and aren't a fedgov employee or liberal (pronounced "brainless") journalist, you're a criminal."

Shoot straight regards, Richard
Just a couple of comments :) One-Janet Reno was not Attorney General during Ruby Ridge. Ruby Ridge occurred during the presidency of Bush. Two- HBO is not showing the entire documentary. They have cut approximately 45 minutes of the most infuriating scenes. The HBO version made you furious? See the uncut version.
I'll have to tape the HBO version and compare it to the 136 minute version I have. I'm always curious to see what was censored, er... I mean, edited.

It was cut? I have to see the uncut version, thanks for the info, Spartacus.

BTW, did you all know the 4 ATF agents killed were former Clinton bodyguards? And they were killed by 'friendly fire'? A conspiracy theorist could have a lot of fun with that.

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights." H.L. Mencken