hawk v. turkey decoy!!


New member
During a recent gobbler hunt, I had a hen decoy set out in an clearing. A woosh of wings, and a big redtail hawk sailed in and nailed my deke! The hawk grabbed the old Flambeau by the head and neck and gave it a vicious wack with its beak too, before helicoptering off to a nearby limb. The hawk never touched down...a classic strafing run.

Had it been a real turkey....lights out. I'd read owls and hawks would take turkeys, now I guess I've seen proof.
A couple of weeks ago I was talking to a gobbler. Things sounded good and I was pretty confident I'd get him in range and get a bird. He suddenly shut up and stopped moving. I finally gave up and headed for home. When I stood up to gather my gear a hawk flew out of a tree between me and the area where He had been calling. I don't think the hawk got the turkey, but when the turkey saw the hawk come in he decided to hunker down and hide.
always fun to see nature umbridled.
I've seen hawks swoop down and whack pheasants. I guess that term hawkeye is pretty accurate.
My brother has a problem with hawks whacking his chickens. One swooped down, hit the chicken which sommersaulted in a ball of feathers aribourne feathers, and didn't move after that. The hawk never picked it up, or grabbed it, just kept on flying back upwards again.
I saw a peregrine nail a squirrel in my front yard, one mid-day. It then spent about ten minutes "doing lunch". Very interesting to watch.
I've had a pair of broad-tailed hawks nesting on my property for years. I've found the remains of robins and sparrows that they drove into my lawn, last year I saw one of them take a blue-jay right out of the air, that was impressive.

If you want to see the real power of raptors Google eagles hunting deer or wolves.
I had to drive about an hour away to pick up some new toys today.
On the way home, I was in the middle of the Fort Hall (Shoshone-Bannock) Indian Reservation when I hit a pack of dogs that were running all over the highway and railroad tracks.

As the cars ahead of me worked their way through the dogs at about 10 mph, I was watching an ugly looking thing that reminded me of a Beagle cross-bred with a Coyote (it probably was). It was a fairly small dog (8-12 lb?), seemed to have something wrong with it, and was moving fairly slowly through the grass on the highway shoulder. Just as I was turning my attention to a mangy brown thing that wouldn't get out of my lane....


A great big Red-tailed Hawk dropped out of nowhere and killed that little Beagle-looking dog in an instant.
It just sat there, watching the cars drive by, 4 feet away, and in the middle of this pack of dogs, until I lost it in the side mirror.
I had a coyote take out a turkey decoy once. He came storming in and chomped on it, stopped long enough to drop it and give it a funny look, then tool off again.
I was so amused by the whole incident that I didn't even consider shooting the coyote.

Never seen a hawk do it, that would be awesome.
I have however watched Osprey and Eagles fish successfully, which it also pretty cool.
I'd like for you to forward that observation to the MO Dept of Conservation. They constantly tell us that Redtailed hawks only prey on mice and snakes and NEVER target game birds or small game.
The general consensus is that hawks are one of the main reasons north MO no longer has quail. Decades ago when "chicken hawks" were shot on sight, quail were everywhere. Unfortunately, raptors are Federally protected so the bunny cops have to make up excuses.
I have however watched Osprey and Eagles fish successfully, which it also pretty cool
I was once fishing with my son and nephew from the bank of a reservoir (and not catching anything) when an osprey dropped out of the blue sky and directly in front of us nailed a fish about 15' farther than we could cast.
We felt a bit better after that, knowing that there were indeed fish present.

Hey, I was a bunny cop, of sorts.

I actually think birds of prey are pretty neat (they get to hunt every day!) What also was interesting is that the deke represented what....a 15 lb turkey, and that hawk never thought twice about it.


I have called more coyotes up turkey hunting, seen them stalking strutting toms, and roll a deke as well, to know for certain that 'yotes are a serious predator that effect turkeys (and deer) significantly.

But the hawk thing was a first.
Closest experience I've had to this was fishing. Had a little bluegill on the line and was pulling him in, next thing I know a big ol momma bass came out of nowhere and inhaled him, snapped my line too.
Driving a van down a narrow road with open fields on each side. A large hawk of some kind starts pacing with me about 3 feet to my left outside of the window of my van for several seconds, enough to get a good up close look at the mighty bird, WOW! The hawk then swoops up and across the front windshield diving down and nabbing a bird in the field to my right. My assistant and I sat there cow mouthed while the hawk took care of the bird.
Beat me to it !!!

Once shot a Grey-Squirrel and sadly, it was not a good hit as It started squealing. Went for a second shot and before I could pull the trigger, a Red-Tail, flew in and finished the job. So be it !!! ..... :eek:

Be Safe