Hawaii shooting

I saw this on the CBS evening news. What I found very interesting was that at that time the situation was not yet resolved, but a records check had already been provided to the media showing that this guy legally owns 17 handguns. CBS was showing the list in the background as they did the story.
Now I don't side with the BG here, murder is murder and he deserves what he gets. But, Federal law prohibits keeping records on gun owners, much less supplying them to the media. They also mentioned that the BG was turned down for his last handgun purchase in 1994 due to some incident at the same building where today he killed 7 people. This proves that the State of Hawaii has been keeping records of gun purchases for at least 5 years!
My prayers go to the families of the victims and may the BG burn in hell. But, once again it turns out that government is the worst BG of all.

Did they give any details as to why he was turned down in 1994? What does incident mean?

My point....Buford (guy at the Jewish Center) was a felon,nutbar and well known to the authorities (read: those who are supposed to protect us). So....were we screwed once again on this guy?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Glad to know that where I work this guy would have had a pretty good chance of...doing as well as he did in Hawaii...the state of Minnesota doesn't grant many CHLs and the company prohibits arms of all kinds anyway (they do sell crossbows/bows/blackpowder guns though). Yep, us low-abiding fishies would just swim in circles inside this thoughtfully provided barrel.

Cornered Rat
http://dd-b.net/RKBA RKBA posters
http://dd-b.net/olegv Portrait, nature photos
It was kind of fast and I'm not sure of the exact details, but It seems the BG got into an arguement with a fellow employee and in his anger trashed some piece of office equiptment. As far as I know he did not attack any person.
I gotta wonder why the guy still had a job after pitching a fit like that?
Grayfox: I believe that Hawaii requires handgun, rifle and shotgun registration. If you move to Hawaii, you have 48 hours to register. Maybe that's where the list came from. Obviously registration did not prevent this crime, so now the antis will claim that more gun control is needed.


Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi
Grayfox, Scaramanga is correct on the laws in Hawaii. I believe that any high cap mag is banned and the do not issue CHL's. The law you are referring to is the GCA '68 and prohibits the FEDERAL govt from registering firearms to their owners. It also prohibits that federal govt from financing a registration operation by anyone else.
Hawaii has the most strict gun laws in the US. That is my understanding of it. I beleive it since I just went through all the hoops to buy 2 handguns that I can pick up tomorrow.

Just about every usable type of handgun is required by law to be registered with the HPD. For my new handgun purchase they even called my primary care physician to make sure I'm stable.

So, those records are kept by the police. BTW, only one person in Hawaii has a conceal carry permit- the HPD gunsmith. If you are found to be packing you'll be jacking 3-5 years in the pen.

But, the incident today is horrible. All seven men left children behind. Hard working- good men. He shot his fellow service techs and one manager.

What really gets me is that the scum bag that killed everyone is still alive and seemed to be in a good mood after he was arrested. He was not talking either. I don't get it.

This made it on tonight's television news --- about halfway through the bulletin.

Why so far back? No kids involved, is my guess.

Not a mention, though, of Hawaii's gun laws.

In one report I read, a female member of Hawaii's cell of HCI, said what was needed is a law like that passed in Conn. where the police can seize firearms if they beleive the person is a danger to himself or others. Since they know who owns what they can decide ANYONE is a danger to himself or others if they own firearms.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited November 03, 1999).]
I'm not sure how it works in other states.

But, in Hawaii if you have a restraining order placed against you, and person placing it knows about your gun collection...they can have the police take your guns for safe keeping. I guess you get them back at the end of the order.

The other thing is if you have any criminal background...you'll never get a gun legally. So, you could get arrested for fighting or something minor (not that we fight) and then be banned from gun ownership. DUI's don't count.

Take care,

OK, I'll concede that the list was legal and came from HPD. But, who the hell said they could give your personal info to the media so they could broadcast it to the world? Are there no such thing as confidential records anymore? The antis will now use the fact that this bozo legally owned his weapons against us.
It still pisses me off!
Good thing that Hawaii has gun laws. Just think....If those innocent people were allowed to carry weapons, they might have hurt someone.

If it weren't for Hawaii being such a communist state, (besides being short a few thousand $), we might just go there for vacation. The way it is, the law makers make sure that only they and the other criminals can carry guns. If I so much as got caught carrying there, the "we know betters, our protecters" would put me in jail. How's that for criminal justice?

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)