Hawaii Five O-Boycott GM?

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I was really disappointed with the propaganda content of Hawaii Five O the other night. I remember the story line from the original series and this was a poor recast loaded with anti-second amendment themes. How should gun owners respond? It would seem fitting to go after one of their major sponsors like GM. Any thoughts out there on this issue? I searched to see if this was in another thread but did not see this take on the show. I was a regular viewer of the series because it looks nice on a HD TV. Tough to take a 4 foot cop serious and some of the female leads are about as believable as Caan. I will be tuning out from now on though. Always wondered what it was like to grow up in the Soviet Union. Who'd a thunk it.
Guess who owns GM, and go from there. Guess where 99.9% of Hollywood that produce and air these shows stands on guns? Most large corporations, and their upper management are usually very liberal, PC, and anti-gun.
I saw it and was a little surprised but the gun store owner held his own . A lot of cops feel that way or at least it seems so . If I was a cop I would want superior fire power not equal . That does not mean that's the way it should be it's just what I would want as a cop , or for HD .

Im not sure I'm ready to start boycotting anything yet . Let see if they continue .

I was more upset at Jay Leno the other night letting Pierce Morgan spew his garbage with out one challenge to his lies . I wrote a letter to NBC and dropped the tonight show from my DVR .
Boycotts don't work.

Write them an email and tell them that you won't be watching the show and why and tell them that you'll be writing an email to their advertisers also, asking them not to advertise on the show, you won't be watching it and why.

The audience of that show is much, much smaller than GMs customer base. Changing the channel has a much bigger effect than trying to boycott an advertiser.
Changing the channel has a much bigger effect than trying to boycott an advertiser.

Unless your household is a "Neilsen family", the broadcasters and advertisers will ever know or care what shows you watch or stop watching.
So Boycotts don't work. That is sometimes correct. But talk of a boycott sometimes is better than the boycott itself. Difficult for GM to push their Silverado pickups with images appealing to the cowboy, rancher, oilfield worker, construction worker etc if their anti-second amendment stance is broadcast for what it is. The lefties seem to push their agenda by creating a buzz. I never heard of chick fillet until GLBT not sure if I got all the letters in the rainbow, made a huge stink about their company. Occupy GM. Just kidding. I will send them a letter because how else would they know I am not watching. You are right there.
Unless your household is a "Neilsen family", the broadcasters and advertisers will ever know or care what shows you watch or stop watching.

And if you are one of those families, all they will think is that you don't like the show, not why you don't like it. Hence changing the channel to boycott the program will not work because it won't convey any information about why the channel was changed.
I stopped watching when they disrespected the Veterans who were trying to honor fallen comrades in Dec 2011. My personal boycott in meaningless to them, but I feel better.
I love GM.. I bought a Corvette to keep jobs in the US. I actually buy them because theyre fun and practical in price considering performance and competition. Its just happens to be that theyre made here tho!

Same old, Same old !!

This is nothing new for Hawaii Five O, as it happened in the orignal series. I believe it was Jack Lord and he went on an even stronger rant about not understanding ; America's love affair with guns .... ;)

As for GM, Historically I have been a Chevy man "most" of my life. That is until the bail-out that has not been completely paid back. If I ever buy domestic again, it's going to be a Ford !! .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
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I will have to catch the original show again. I wonder how many of the people that called for the boycott of Chic Filet actually ever ate a sandwich there. I currently own two GM vehicles but this is a pretty important issue so I think we should sound off to GM. I do agree with your opinion on Ford.
I thought the scene was pretty good. Danny Williams was acting goofy and rejected the idea that "guns don't kill people" and the shop owner acted somewhat reasonable. McGarrett didn't seem as opposed to gun ownership as the original series' McGarrett.

I'll re-watch it to see if I was less offended that I should have been.
EDIT: I re-watched it and I liked it even more this time. McGarrett even took the time to shake the salesman's hand as they were about to leave.
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I couldn't stand the original series with Jack Lord whose most remembered line was, "Book him, Danno." Lord was very anti-2A and that alone kept me from watching it.
Keep in mind that with the whole notion of the show being in Hawaii, it isn't like Hawaii doesn't have some of the stricter gun controls in the country.
I stand by my analysis. Not only did the shop owner remain somewhat calm, the anti-gun Danny Williams acted irrationally by claiming, "No guns, no killing." He also implied that New McGarrett likes guns.

Compared to the original series, which had several episodes that were overtly anti-gun, that scene was pro-gun. I don't understand the outrage, and I don't see why this scene would justify a boycott of GM.
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