Have you used the LaserLyte LTS Target? Thoughts on cartridge alternatives for it?


New member
Has anyone on the forum purchased or used the LaserLyte LTS electronic target? I saw a demo, I believe by Rob Pincus on TV's Personal Defense, and it looked very good. A very minor quirk: you have to be good enough to "hit" the smallish "review hits" circle at the bottom left in order to see how you did; this might be a challenge for newbies, but since it apparently registers from any laser (possibly only red), a laser pen seemingly could do the job for beginners, if needed.

As for mastering trigger control on multiple guns, I liked the idea a lot. In particular it would seem a great tool for shooters who, unlike me, live in very cold climates and can safely use the device inside the house.

My second question, as important as the first: how many alternative cartridges or "cartridge systems" are available and, if you've tried them, why do you like or dislike them? Laserlyte sells individual "cartridges," currently in .380, 9mm, .40 and .45ACP, each with an embedded laser and long-life-soft primer, for an MSRP of $110 apiece (presumably $85-95 on the street). They look to be very well made and so to me the price seems OK if you shoot one or two calibers. They appear to be made of brass and look very chamber-metal-friendly.

On the show a competitive cartridge (not target) was demonstrated, I think the name began with "S," and it consists of a core laser device that is adjustable for different calibers. It also has a many-hits-capable synthetic primer, but looks to be crafted of stainless steel. Apparently you change caliber by changing a collar around the center of the cartridge. Once you've gotten to two calibers, the cost-per-additional caliber drops like a rock, relative to additional Laserlyte cartridges. But, TANSTAAFL, it's not brass and it looks very different from Laserlyte's relative to how it seats in the chamber, how it might scuff the chamber, and possibly how easily it is ejected. Laserlyte's cartridges look, at first glance, to have less potential for doing any damage to, or getting stuck in, the bore.

This is based on nothing more than what I saw on a TV review, but I think the the Laserlyte target system is a great innovation and has the potential to save a ton of ammo, especially for new shooters, for instance, a wife, in getting used to a new gun before going to the range. An advantage relative to such newbies is that it is easy to prove at the range that "misses" that did not occur at home are due to "something else" like flinching and therefore should take less time to correct.

Thoughts? Experience? Alternatives?
My Two Cents worth

I received the LaserLyte trainer target for Fathers Day, complementing the .380 training cartridge I had purchased earlier. I think that, by now, my wife and I have saved the cost of several boxes of .380 cartridges by using the LaserLytes for practice. I am able to practice at home, any time I wish (which means nearly every morning), drawing, aiming, and "firing" at the target. After each round of practice I "shoot" the Display button to see where I have grouped my shots, then "shoot" the Reset for another round. My aim has improved, and I am improving in the speed and smoothness of my drawstroke with my .380 pistols. I am looking forward to getting .45 and 9mm training cartridges soon. One minor drawback is that, with the Ruger LCP and possibly with other pistols, the slide must be used to cock the piece before each shot. With the Bersa .380 using double action mode, there is no problem. I have recommended the LaserLyte system to friends, and think it is a very useful training tool, worth the initial outlay of funds.
I got one last year (both the target trainer & the laserlyte 9mm cartridge). I enjoy it quite a bit. I think you get used to being able to hit the smaller target. I've used my viridian green laser on it and it kinda hoses it until you go turn it off/on (or maybe hit reset, I forget). a crimson trace laser also made it not function correctly (so I couldn't use it in 380 with the P3AT/crimson trace combo).

I can tell you that you have to manually insert the laserlyte cartridge and I have to stick a plastic rod down the barrel to get it out (lightly). You can't just rack the slide & it go flying. I have no experience of other cartridges than the 9mm laserlyte one.

Overall a good product in my opinion.
ive had the drop in the barrel laserlyte laser for a while and bought the target about 4 months ago. i enjoy the target system because it allows me to handle my guns a lot more than i would without it. whenever i get a new handgun i can have some fun with it before heading to the range.

one benifit ofthe laserlyte sustem that i didnt even think of when i bought it was the ability to test your sights if the are not fixed. i recently got a new Ruger SR9C and couldnt believe how far off the sights were. the laser helped me to adjust them little by little showing me exactly how far off they were. doing this at the range with tools and live ammo would have been a total nightmare.