have you seen this?!


New member
below is an actual guide on what the law in California calls assault weapons. I honestly didn't know there was an actual guide until 5 minutes ago. I also thought it was just a coined term for a semi-auto rifle made by politicians.
if anything its a nice way to look at the pics and enjoy the history of each weapon and who made it
California is a whole new breed I seen a documentary on TV where they talked about such things and California was THEE worst state for defining its own laws. So bad that even the law makers themselves could not come up with a true precise definition as prescribed by their law. This guy asked the local law enforcement agency and they could not define it when asked and then he asked the congressman that wrote it and he could not answer it. Too much verbage and not enough defined answers
What an assault weapon is, is something I've often commented on here but it looks like you could say that whoever wrote the law started with a clean sheet of paper, although not in a vacuum. It was sort of a "I know one when I see one" kind of thing.

A bayonet lug doesn't define it, nor does the caliber. It doesn't say so but apparently neither does the color (doesn't have to be black, in other words). And apparently, it doesn't have to have a protruding pistol grip, although most of them do. Alas, a thumbhole stock doesn't evade the technicality, nor does one shipped without a pistol grip. It doesn't have to be full auto, but it apparently has to have a high capacity magazine. I wonder how high capacity pistols slipped by--or is that covered elsewhere?
Well at first glance I don't think they did a very good job at explaining why. But they did a fantastic job putting a wish list together. I will have to send it to my wife. :D
if you right click it and open it in a new window you can see it. its a link to a site, in PDF format
I just glanced over the list again and it doesn't look like the Springfield armory M1A is there. Is it because it doesn't have a pistol grip?

Just what is it about a pistol grip on a rifle that makes it so bad?
California is a whole new breed I seen a documentary on TV where they talked about such things and California was THEE worst state for defining its own laws. So bad that even the law makers themselves could not come up with a true precise definition as prescribed by their law.

Yup. Just to give an example, necrophillia wasn't officially illegal until Arnie signed a bill in 2004 despite several cases over the last few decades.

California's Penal Code is a joke.

The bayonet lug was banned because it not only caused a gun to fire full-auto, but it also turned full-auto assault rifles into high-powered sniper rifles as well.

Anybody seen, let alone shot, a Calico M950?

Generally, I believe the term "assault rifle" is intended to mean rifles that shoot burst or fully-automatic. The term is then extended to some semi-automatic rifles that have various "assault rifle" qualities, such as folding stocks, shorter barrels, pistol grips, etc. In some states (such as Maryland) the stripped lower receiver (a block of metal) of an AR-15 is considered a "regulated rifle" and must be registered as such, purchased the same as a handgun would be.
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No, it says a bayonet lug isn't illegal. If so, it would make a lot of bolt actions illegal. Anyway, you can shoot just about any rifle one handed, if you can hold it up.
I'm convinces that the general non shooting public really has no clue what the term assuly rifle means. A few years ago I was in a Civics class when the subject of gun control came up. Our teacher was not a liberal, but did belies that assult rifles should be restricted "because we don't need a bunch of hunters blowing deer apart". I raised my hand and told her " do you realize that your average assault rifle round (i.e. 5.56mm) is actually weaker than most hunting rifle rounds?" She had no clue at all. She imagined hunters with AR15's out in the woods making deer disintegrate with their uber powerful "assult rifles".