Have you seen this on HCI's website?!?


Retired Screen Name
Money-grubbing ghouls.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>DO YOU HAVE A WILL OF YOUR OWN?
The Sarah & Jim Brady Society has been established to recognize the many individuals across America who have provided for the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence in their wills.

But over 70% of Americans over the age of 60 don’t even have a will! Are you one of them?

If you are, the Sarah & Jim Brady Society can help. To get started, send for our free brochure, “What You Need to Know About Writing Your Will.” It will tell you everything you need to know to begin the process ---saving you time and money in the long run.

And don’t forget the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence when you are preparing or updating your will. Bequests are the foundation of our small, but increasing, endowment. And our endowment provides a dependable, steady stream of income each year to counter the well-funded assaults of the NRA and to respond to unforeseen events, such as the horrific shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado.

YOU can leave a legacy for a safer, saner America. Take the first step towards writing your will TODAY. And please, think about joining the Sarah & Jim Brady Society.[/quote]


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Pretty morbid... but smart. Think of some of the types that go for HCI, they tend to be the insulated-from-society, higher-income types. Find a real fruit loop with too much money, and this could be a major jackpot for HCI.

Just remember to leave a little sumpin' sumpin' for the good ole N.R.A. whey you meet your maker.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Before we all go throwing rocks at HCI, remember that NRA has had a similar program for quite awhile. I see it boosted in almost every Rifleman! WHo knows we may have taught HCI how to raise more money! AARRGH! :(

Freedom is not Free
When I get around to dying, my will with list guns going to friends. However, it is likely that I would give away most over time, in person, if it looks poorly for living another year.
Young fella, by the time you get around to cashing in your chips it may be illegal to will guns to another person.

When the father of my first wife died, the Syracuse, NY police dept sent a uniformed police officer to the home to "pick up the now unregistered guns". The only reason the police couldn't confiscate the guns was they could not find them when they searched the house. (The deceased's wife gave permission because she did not know she could refuse. sigh...)

Later the guns were found secreted in an attic wall. Somehow we "forgot" to notify the SS (Syracuse Stinkers). ;)

To avoid the problem, my wife and daughters all know exactly who gets what. It's all verbal (they get along with each other) and it all will be "off the books".

Just a thought. :) And here's another:

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Hmmm, interesting philosophy. They want to disarm the populace and make them more likely to become victims, and then they want to be remembered afterwards when they may have been instrumental in some small way for your passing? Am I getting this right? Does something smell really bad here?

Don LeHue

Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats.
On illegal guns: if guns are legal and easy to obtain, it is all the same to me if I sell one, give it away or keep it. If they are hard to impossible to come by, mine will not be sold.

They will be given to people who will not flinch at using them for self-defense and who are willing to become competent in their use. The issue of training is why I would want to teach whoever is getting mine to use them effectively (and that may well be restricted).

In my opinion, an ugle beat-up .38 with six rounds given illegally to a Jewish kid in '43 Europe is a far more important transfer than a perfectly legal Perdue double mentioned in the will of some fatcat today. The antis would like to make my guns as important as that .38 I mentioned. They have already convinced my to keep spare cleaning kits and ammo and accessories with each gun I own, as I might have to lend them someday.

Guns are not a commodity, not anymore. A worth of a gun is defined not by how much you would pay for your second one, but by how much you would pay in money, effort and risk to have the first any only one. And additional .22 plinker or a .303 bolt might not be worth much to me now...because I already have a few. But in a situation where I had none at all, I would be willing to pay dearly yet willingly for any tool that can be used for effective defense.

Legal guns are merely expensive. Illegal guns are priceless. Remember that before you flail at those "illegal guns out there that are the problem".

Cornered Rat
http://dd-b.net/RKBA RKBA posters
http://dd-b.net/olegv Portrait, nature photos

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited October 18, 1999).]
NRA has and still does EXACTLY the same thing. I for one will give it all to NRA or GOA if I die childless. It's a good idea, stolen by HCI. Can't really blame them. But it still sickens me, too.
Since Dennis liked this so much, I guess it might merit a repost (or at least beat an old horse to death).

This sounds like another manifestation of the Brady Universal Legislation for the Legal Confiscation of Rifles, Ammunition, and Pistols (B.U.L.L.C.R.A.P.)

As you know, they want to find any cases in which they might be able to deposit this BULLCRAP all over litigations involving the second amendment. I've heard many a tale of gunowners, organizations, and manufacturers being dragged through the BULLCRAP by anti-2nd amendment lawyers (does that make them unconstitutional?) who have wholly immersed themselves in the BULLCRAP and firmly stand thereupon. Meanwhile, the anti-RKBA propaganda machine does its best to shove the BULLCRAP down the throats of most Americans, claiming it to be the sweetest-smelling movement ;) ever to pass through our legal system.

'Til now, it's proponents have been live people. But now you can put the BULLCRAP in your will and perpetuate the spread of this BULLCRAP even after your innards have stopped working.

I'd write more, but my waders are wearing out, and the spring on my clothespin (you know, the one clamped on my nose) is getting weak.

Hope you all enjoyed that one...
