Have you noticed the major isues ignored by the media this week?

Gary Conner

New member
Lately the talking heads have been trying to set forth the concept that the reason formerly stuanch Republican supporters are voting Libertarian or Democrat (and thus handing possible control to the Democrats) is because of the Iraq war.

However I believe the base left over entirely different matters.

One was the Arlen Spector debacle, where Spector sided with Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton, insisting the President select Supreme Court Nominees who were acceptable to the leftists minority in the Senate. A huge record of faxes, phone calls, and emails went out to the Senate, demanding Spector be removed from the committee chairmanship. Many of us were dissapointed when our Senators ignored us and instead acted as if we never handed them a mandate by voting in a majority House, Senate, and giving them "control" of the Executive branch. But our voice was ignored.

The base also felt cheated again, when we were later lied to by the entirity of Congress when they announced to America and everyone in the world, that the United States Congress had no control over an illegal invasion within our borders, and that we only had the choices of granting amnesty to twelve million illegal aliens who broke our laws, or to grant them "temporary worker" passes, for breaking our laws. This was done as a payback to the globalists, and we did not want that. However, we were ignored.

Time and again, we requested them to act as if they were in control of the House and Senate, and they compromised with the minority leaders every whim. When Trent Lott, the Senate Majority Leader paid a compliment to an old man on his birthday, the leftist minority demanded our weenie leadership force his resignation from the Leadership. This was just after the Robert Byrd used a racist comment during an interview, not only once, but THREE separate times in the same interview.

Democrat Senator Byrde got a pass, but the Republican was dropped in the grease and labeled a "racist" for saying that Strom Thurmond (who had been a Democrat nominee for President at the time) would have made a good president.

Another issue being ignored is the dissapointment across the board, with the Military Commissions Act, Patriot Act, and John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007, which many Republicans are up in arms about. Not one word is being said about these things.

All these things are being ignored by the media and talking heads. It is a shame that the real reasons the base was trying to send a message, will be convoluted into it being only a referendum on Bush, and Iraq. A lot of Senators and House members are sweating out todays election and still don't know the actual reason the base is disappointed.

Has anyone else noticed how those type of issues, which began the dissapointment with the party, are being ignored.
Many of us were dissapointed when our Senators ignored us and instead acted as if we never handed them a mandate by voting in a majority House, Senate, and giving them "control" of the Executive branch. But our voice was ignored.

I think Congress has 232 Republicans, 201(205includes 4 delegates) voting Democrats and 1 Independent . The Senate has 55 Republicans and 44 Democrats. So I would say that Senator Spector is also respecting of other Americans besides the Republican base.