Have you guys seen this? I am not a Zombie hunter but WOW!


New member
First let me tell you that I am a frequent sarcastic mocker of all things conspiracy theory and Far right! But if you have the 2 hrs to spare... you gotta see this Sh$%! The religion segment at the first almost made me turn it off but the rest was at least worth skipping the first 20 mins to see! It is not Vulgar, or objectionable unless you don't like your "pond of Blissful ignorance" rippled! I don't push propaganda on either end of the spectrum but have a look for yourself

I watched about part of this and it is a joke. The religion part is totally bunk, so I had trouble watching any more. Look up some of his references/"facts" if you have some time. Couldn't find a whole lot of verification. I'm a theology major and even with my resources available, couldn't verify one word of it. Hmm...
I haven't watched it but I found this statement interesting...

I'm a theology major and even with my resources available, couldn't verify one word of it. Hmm...

Yet the whole purpose of studying theology is to analyze the third hand reports of those dead long ago with respect to a supreme being who is by definition completely unverifiable.

What I was saying is that even the references he used were not found. Well, not all of them. I could find some, but none of the connections that he tries to make are evident when you look at history. He mis-quotes and misuses a great deal of 'accepted' knowledge and information to come up with his hypotheses...
I am no fan of religion but if someone is going to go after it they need to do so honestly and based on facts. This guy sounds like he is off base.
Get past the Religious part. To put it at the front immediately closes minds.

The religion segment was certainly a turn off! I skipped through most of it as I found it offensive and Atheistic. The rest of it was an eye opener however although it felt as much like Propaganda as the Manistream media does only it didn't serve any agenda that I could see. The producer of this movie himself, said that it was not all to be takens seriously but was made to be thought provoking and the country does need to be provoked to think these days! The part near the end about the TV almost made me piss myself! I laughed at this guy!:D