Have you ever?


New member
Have ever had a great idea of question to post when you are driving or running or something and then get to the computer and completely forget it?

ps I want a new gun!

Shop Smart! Shop S-Mart
Have you ever been standing in the hall, in the middle of the night, wondering if you were going to the bathroom or coming back from it?

Sam....I may be old but at least my senility still works.
Never had a good question come up that way but thought of an answer to a question or two while on the way to work or someplace and proceded to 1: forget what damned thread it was in or 2: the dadgummed answer when I got home. :o

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Yeah, the older I get the more interested I am in the hereafter.

I mean, I'll often walk into a room and suddenly stop, wondering, "What am I here after?"


"When I try to remember, I always forget." -- Winnie the Pooh
As old as I am, I really don't want to go there. :D

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
Oh CRAP! It gets worse as you get older? Maybe I am not drinking enough coffee? Or too much? Thats it I am carrying a notepad with me all the time. Let's see. Pistol? check. Spare mag?check Leatherman? check. Keys? check. Wallet? check. Checkbook? check. Notepad? check. Pen? check. Uh Oh I think my pants are going to fall down when a stand up.
ps I want a new gun

Shop Smart! Shop S-Mart**** That's right I'm a gear whore and proud of it***
Well its my considered opinion that....
..uh.....hummmm......what was the question again? :confused:

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.