Have you ever been faced arrest.


New member
My title might not be appropriate but what I mean is:

Have you ever been involved in legal litigation that involves self defense, that you have attacked a BG then you were complained and they filed a case against you, or you were framed up for crime you did not commit.

I am just curious, if how many of us think a consequence after a fight in self defense, that we've used a knife or a fire arms.

Do you have a feeling that using a deadly force in self defense will also give us big trouble in career, family and other effects.

In a third world country like me, it is a easy for the authority to file a case against somebody if the complainant is a well to do family and can afford to pay much and able to hire a false witnesses. The mess will just be resolve and the truth come out after several hearings and trials to the court, but then the respondent was already jailed (if cannot afford bail) or already facing legal litigation even he is innocent.
Greetings Shy_Man

That which is of concern to you is also to be considered in the United States. To a lesser degree, in most cases, but still a factor.

One who takes responsibility for their own defence should also take responsibility for their own well being in general. This would include having some knowledge of the law in the state where they live........and the political climate of the particular area.

On paper, justice will be served and right shall prevail. In real life, it behooves one to have not pissed off the sheriff.

All men are equal in the eyes of God. All men are innocent unless found guilty. Some seem more equal than others. Good standing in the community and wealth usually go a long way toward easing the burden of proving innocense.

Real life and the law are not always in agreement.

Short version, be right and be prepared.

Good Morning C.R.SAM:

Thanks for the enlightenment and educational response from your side.

My post just mean to know if there are some or how many fellow TFLr's have been in legal litigation in connection of self defense.

"attacked a BG" I would have choosen more appropriate wording.

That aside, I have only been as far as needing to explain my actions to the police. No shots were fired and I was the person reporting the incident. Police are allot smarter, sympathetic and rational than allot of people give them credit for.