Have you been to Handgun Control Inc???


New member
To all the TFL members who have not been to HCI, their website is www.handguncontrol.org

All TFL members should make it a point to go see what sort of blatent lies they are spreading.
Honestly, my jaw dropped reading some of that stuff. Especially the 'MYTH of The 2nd Ammendment'.
Been there a couple of times, till I started to get ulcers. The ACLU's position is almost as bad.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.

El Jefe also has a website, check it out http://www.handguncontrol.net

note the URL....everytime someone uses a search engine to find HCI, they also get El Jefe's page. Ahh, the sublime sardonicism :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I..........went.........there.....think.........gonna......hurl :eek: :p

"If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck so that he dies, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed" Exodus 22:2
Just been to the hateful site & the 92's still posted with this small disclaimer link below.

Our website uses images of specific firearms for illustrative purposes. Needless to say, our use of such images should not be construed as an endorsement of our objectives by the manufacturers of such firearms."

What's the scoop on that. Thought HCI (et puke) was required to remove the image. Will do a search on Part II to catch up on that.

Too, RAE, thanks for the TFL link to catch me up on El Jefe's great work. So sorry I wasn't in here yet to enjoy that!
I don't think it is a good idea to send all of the TFLers running over to the real HCI site. I have heard numerous times, that HCI uses statistical data derived from the number of hits on their website, as a lobbying tool among other things.

One and all, A. Thanks for the kudos, B. Just an average joe doing my part, nothing special.

Labgrade, it seems that due to some very ambiguous laws HCI is allowed to use the image of the Beretta 92, best Beretta could do is get them to post the disclaimer, that has to be a daily stinging reminder that they lost to Beretta AGAIN! It is those very same laws that I am counting on saving my behind should HCI press the issue and try and get me to remove their modified pictures from my site, Check the disclaimer on my page, If it works for the goose, and the goose set the precedent, then it works for the gander....Right? I do my best to counter their propaganda, have even received e-mails from anti gunners who thought they were on HCI's site, said they were confused ( went in looking for anti-gun propaganda came out with the truth...Gotta love it)

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
The ANTI-HCI Site!
El Jefe,

Ran across your site quite a few months ago when lurking the enemy (did an HCI search, I believe) & just about fell out of my chair.

Absolutely wonderful & you're stickin' it to 'em in the best possible way.

Sauce for the goose, indeed.

My hat's still off.
El Jefe,

I for one would be interested in hearing more about the email you have gotten from the antis that have been confused by the site. I think that could mightily raise spirits here and generally add to the esprit de corps.
They have admittedly been few and far between and of those they were really short and to the point. They stated that they were confused by the site because of all the PRO-gun info, the links took them to areas that were contrary to what they had been told. My take on it is this, if they spent any time on this site at all their brain absorbed and processed even stored in their subconscious the pro-gun information. It may very well have inserted just enough to cause them to bring into question the rhetoric they had been fed previously. If they really search for factual truth they will see that Gunowners are NOT the problem. Pretty simple.

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
The ANTI-HCI Site!
Good point. HCI's saying that their hits equal support makes sense since most sites have a feedback feature or e-mail address, HCI's does not and we can not voice our displeasure or challenge their propaganda.