Have you been to Brady's website?


New member
I just went to check it out......All I see is ignorance. Has anyone been to other sites like that. Does anyone actually know the mentality of the people who are against us? Can people change what they believe in their hearts? I don't think so. Ignorance can change though.........
Ok what they put on their "site" is not from ignorance, but a deliberate attempt to mislead people into beleiving what they say is the truth. "They" are not stupid, but will feed people LIES to further what they want. Remember the old saying?? "The BIGGER the lie the more people will believe it?" It starts small then goes from there. Plently of examples throughout history.

I was furtunate enough to attend a speech (if I dare call it that) that was given by sen frank laughtenberg today, very few people there. There was ONLY one main point he made (the only time the camera's came out too, other than a photo op at the end of the speech) and it was about the DANGEROUS FN 5.7 Handgun, that can and I quote "Go through 40 layers of armour at 600 feet", and that one was "taken off the streets in Camden, NJ". These are NOT the dripples of a "ignorant person", but structured to burn fear into all that hear them speak, as they are a Senator and what they say must be TRUTH. blah blah...
Stillersfan - The website to which they are referring is that of The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, or TBCTPGV for short. They used to be known as Handgun Control, Inc. and before that, the National Council to Ban Handguns.

TBCTPGV was founded by Sarah Brady after her husband (Press Secretary James Brady) was injured during the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan. Reagan remained a stauch supporter of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms even after being shot, but Mr. Brady caved in to his raging wife's whims and went along with her mentally unstable idea to destroy every American's right to self defense.

I recommend reading Raging Against Self Defense by Sarah Thompson M.D. as the antidote for reading too much Brady.

I have always thought that people kill people not guns. A gun doesnt go off by itself some one has to pull the trigger. Say some one went on a rampage with a car and hit and killed 50 people. Is it the car and the car manufactuars falt that those people died. Obviously the car didnt kill those people by itself it is a partnership between the car and the psyco. You cant blame guns in general just because, there are handgun murders. The wepon of choice doesnt matter if these people who commite murders dont have guns then they will just find something else like a knife. Thebluesman thank you for the second link, that was some good reading. And if the cops are always there to protect us then why are there still murders right now. The Anti gunners need to learn that we dont live in a perfect society, and we never will. Criminals are always going to have guns they are criminals they obviously dont have any regard for the law. Just because you get a handgun ban doesnt mean that the criminals and murderers and rapeist arent going to pack heat anyways. The good law obiding people of the united states need to own guns to even up the score with criminals. Plain and simple.
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According to the brady's, killing by any other means then a gun is okie dokie in their books.

I've gone through their pages before and have :barf: everytime. The lies that they spread is nothing more then the same old lies spread since the birth of gun control.

And what gets me is the fact that the lady has cancer from smoking yet blames herself for this (as will I if I get cancer from smoking) but fully blames the gun and not the persons actions for the crime, hurting, or murder.

With her logic, we should ban water, ALL water, because it kills people, young and old (drowning). We should ban cars because more people every year are killed in them. We should ban doctors due to the same.

But she just goes after guns. It's a mental illness. Everything that kills more people per year is okay but guns should be banned or restricted. I noticed that she doesn't call for the secret service to give up their guns and they are the ones that drew and then arrested hinkley after the shooting.

And I would hazard to guess that the money that they receive for being a spokesperson for the "cause" has something to do with it. As the NRA will allow for "compromise" on gun issues so they can stay in business and that Wayne and the others can pull down a paycheck, the same goes for the brady bunch as well as others.

In the end, it's all about money. Wayne had to be able to afford his home in the area that he lives in and probably has no other job field that he can go into that pays as well, as sarah has to pay for her medical bills, her home, and the bills.

If tomorrow the money dries up and no more members on either side decide to send money, the whole issue would go away. If there is no money to be made, then they would have to actually get a real job and would have no time to fight against a Right that should have been left as it anyway.

The same holds for the ACLU and AARP, if money wasn't pouring in, then they would cease to exist and would go away.

It's all the same, they all follow the money. As do our politicians. If the money wasn't there, they wouldn't be either.
