Have specific question for Glock owners

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Futo Inu

New member
Was thinking of making my next Glock G17, but now I'm considering the G19 instead, primarily in case I ever get lucky enough to have an SO (significant other) who is in need of a CCW - I thought the G19 would be a good choice for most women. But if no forthcoming SO, then it would be a target/plinking/IDPA type gun. My specific questions are:

1. Have you had any actual experiences showing the G17 to be more reliable in feeding than the G19? Or vice versa?

2. Any other specific discernible differences?

I figure that there are still a ton of G17 full-caps out there, which is GOOD. But a G19 will accept ALL of those, AND all the available G19 full-caps as well, which is GREAT.
1. There are no discernible differences in reliable functioning. Both pistols work flawlessly.

2. The 19 is obviously the more compact of the two. I prefer it because it is very user friendly. It would meet readily your stated multi-use demands.

3. While the pre-ban high caps for this pistol are out there, don't get too hung up on high capacity. Ten rounders from Glock are improved now and will serve well your needs in the 19. The ten rounders are cheaper too.

4. Glocks have always been rated to handle the hottest ammo in 9mm. Because it will work with a wide-range of 9mm ammo, the 19 is a Y2K gun of the first order.
in 9mm, I think the only substantivbe difference between the full-sized frame and the mid-frame is how the grip works for you.

for me, the 19/23/32 frame is just about 0.25" too short, and with the backstrap curve, just doesn't quite work. the finger grooves now current also don't line up right. at one point I was considering a model 19, and having the finger "lands" on the frontstrap ground off, and having the backstrap reshaped to a flatter contour.

I believe there is some claim that the 19 is more reliable than the 17, but I suspect that the probability failure is so low in either that failure events are rare to the point of statistical insignificance. do spend some time over at GlockTalk to see what the consensus is as to the proper recoil spring for whichever model you get; it sounds like the factory spring is weaker than optimum for certain models.

plus, as the rec.guns moderator says, "Buy 'em all!"
The NYPD had sooooo many problems with malfunctions in their Glock 19s (over 80 incidents IIRC)they almost dumped ALL of them. Called it the Phase Three malfunction: extracted round rides up in the extractor high enough to miss the ejector but still hangs in there, screws up feeding the next round bad enough a tap, rack does NOT fix it; has to be pried out.

Glock said it was the ammo, made some changes to the barrel (notice the "1" on the newer models?). NYPD _is_ using hotter ammo (Gold Dot 124 +P) and things seem to be OK now. I've heard of others having the same problem, but not to the same extent (Boston, Baltimore PDs). Seen it on the local ranges too.

OTOH, I hear the Aussie police are having trouble with cracked slides on their G17s; two people on the Glock list have cracked theirs in the last few months too. Life's a beach? :)

If you are the worrying type (I'm not: shoot a G23 and we know how those blow up :)) get the G26/33. :)


[This message has been edited by BrokenArrow (edited October 12, 1999).]
Are there any pistols that the NYPD isn't having problems with? I read somewhere (probably one of your messages :)) that they're having problems with their SIGs, too.
When I was looking at buying a Glock I looked pretty hard at both the G17 and G19. I choose the G19 because it did everything just about as well as the G17, and was easier to conceal.

This summer I took a multi-state road trip and wanted to carry a gun. In many of the states I traveled through, state law specifically stated that the glove compartment was an exceptable place to keep it while driving. The G19 fit the small glove box fine, but the G17 would have been too big. Numerous times I had to discretely carry the gun to and from motel rooms, and the G19 was a very managable size.

So I guess I'm saying that the G17 is probably the better range and night stand gun. BUT, is that all you may be using it for? The G19 just seems to be a more versatile gun. Most people that CCW agree that a little size difference can mean a lot easier carry gun.

HTH, and FWIW this is JMHO, and YMMV !!!!
Some Glock pistols have had problems with the extractor; it breaks, fails, etc. This problem has not happened to mine, but I have seen it happen to others. A trained Glock armorer though can repair it readily. As with any pistol, regular practice is important to ensure proper operation. If you shoot a lot, an annual inspection of your pistol by an armorer is always in order. Bottom line: Nothing's perfect, but Glock is still better than many others.
I have heard that the original G17 is the most reliable of all the Glocks.

With that in mind, I'd pick whichever of the two (G19 or G17) works best for your lifestyle. They both work great.

I just got off the range, I am an instructor for my department. We issue 19's and I love tnem as do most of the troops. I have about 6000 rnds or so through mine. I guess I have had about 3 or 4 jams. I am Baltimore City trained on the 17's. The 19 is just that mouch more concealable. Your choice, good luck. And buy lotsa ammo.
The 17 is THE Glock. It is the gun that was designed from scratch to do what it does:

Fire the 9mm NATO round reliably.

All other Glocks were developed from that Base.

That said, with poor techique or Soft Ammo, the G17 is one of the most likely to fail. With weak ammo, the G17 has more slide mass than the G19, which makes a "limp wrist" failure more likely (albeit slightly).
The G22, 20 and 21 have as much or more slide mass, but also have stouter rounds to push them back. Only the G34 would be more likely to suffer a LW Failure.

I carry the 23, and I have 7 Glocks to chose from. I like the 23/19 size frame for daily use. I also use the 23 for competition. If you are sold on 9mm, I saw go for the 19.
I have a Glock 23 with about 9-10k rounds through it with one failure to fire, REALLY deep primer, and no other malfuntions whatsoever. other guns may be a little more accurate, or prettier, or flashier, but the Glock is the most reliable weapon I have ever had. out of the box, untouched. The smaller Glocks, like the 23 and 19, are supposedly more accurate that the full size models, but I think that advantage is lost with the smaller sight radius. all things being equal, The smaller model give nothing up to the full size except capacity, and the G17 magazines will fit in the G19. (A few years ago I hated Glocks) :) you won't be disappointed either way. Buy 'em both!
Futo Inu,

Get the G19...it's really a great gun. I have shot both G19 and G17...the G17 is more accurate, but the difference is not significant by much. I like the G19 alot because it is accurate, and concealable. I have the G23C...and I am still amazed how accurate it is for it's size (same size as G19).

Ban the bans.
I've been carrying and shooting a Glock 17 for about 10 years and have yet had a problem with concealed carry. It requires the right type holster and works better if you have a medium to large body frame size.
I also consider the Glock 17 to be one of the most reliable pieces on the market today.
It has digested several thousand rounds of a wide variety of ammunition from Brazilian, Israeli, Egyptian to handloads and I've had
5 misfires and 1 jam, mostly due to the Egyptian stuff. As for accuracy, it will do the job under the conditions for serious social work. Its even done a fine job at IPSC and NRA Action Shooting.
Would you believe I like the Glock?
Of all my Glocks (17,19,22,34,35) I find myself shooting the 17 more than the rest for Action/Combat matches. It will group under 3" @ 50 yds. For CCW I use the 19 or my Kahr 40. The medium frame finger groove Glocks do not fit my hand very well though.
First post! Whohooo! Just had to weigh in on my favorite gun, tho.

I'm finally (!!!) going to purchase a Glock of my own - range rental getting too expensive, and I finally have the money to. Without a doubt, it will be a Glock17, just a question of new or used. I have no problem with a used Glock, depending upon the mileage of course, but it's a foregone conclusion they have the resell value equivalent of a Honda (weak reference here, but you get my drift). I prefer the 17 due to my long hands; not particularly large and beefy, but long. The 19 seems to wear a little more on my hand. BTW, anyone have a reliable dealer reference for the Washington DC metro area?

He either fears his fate too much, or his desserts too small,
That puts it not to the touch to win or lose it all.

I've got a refurbished Glock 17, which came with 2 17 round magazines. It had the equivalent of a new-gun warranty.

(With regard to the question of G-17 and G-19 reliability. Properly maintained, I don't think you'll find a difference. One of my friends uses a 19 in IDPA when I shoot my 17. We shoot about the same, and neither one of us ever have problems. Of course, he's a Glock Armourer...)

If you can find a refurbished Glock, they often shoot better than new ones, and are from $100-$150 less expensive AND come with large capacity magazines (which are worth $50-$80 each.) I paid $400 for mine, last fall.

I've many quality handguns, but in shooting in IDPA competition, its just easier and better for me with the Glock 17. (The only gun I've got which is close is a Sig P-210, and I just need to shoot it more...)

[This message has been edited by Walt Sherrill (edited October 19, 1999).]
Never can have enough Glocks! Buy the 17 and the 19.

The 17 would be my choice for field ops carried in a tac vest or thigh holster. Because of its full size grip mostly, not to mention its accuracy, reliability, and shootability. Moreover, you can load up your tac vest 30 round AR mag pockets with the Glock 33 round mags for those "sticky" times when you can never have enough ammo.

The 19 is great for concealed carry. Stay with the high caps, unless you have it in an ankle holster, then use the 10 rounders.

Hands down, you can't ask for a better weapon in the $500 range.
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