have more enblock clips than you know what to do with?


New member
hopefully my wife's and my garand will be arriving soon so starting to think about shooting them
a guy at the gun show has a box of clips for a buck each so not worried about finding any
but figured there probably are a few people on here that have boxes saved up themselves
and I like horse trading and cast pistol bullets for 380, 9mm, 38, 45, and 93gr .311 rn that I size to 310 for tokarevs
I also have some brass 2 1/2" 12g shells for bp
All of mine are loaded and stored in my Garand "go" box.

The CMP sells clips for less than $1 apiece, but I don't remember the price. I have about 100 post WWII clips that I think I paid about $0.15 each for back when I bought them.
your wives are arriving soon and you want to shoot them? remind me to stay away from wherever it is you live :D

the last gun show I was at I traded about 30 of them and 15 enfied stripper clips for a set of gold pans... sorry...
The price at CMP is $20 for 25 clips. Plus shipping of course. I've had some on order for 2 weeks and the order hasn't been processed yet. They are behind in the eStore same as the rifle sales.
dang grammar guess I shouldn't have slept through all them English classes
finding one good wife was hard enough definitely want to keep her
and don't care how good they are having 2 of them would drive me loony

wasn't worried about finding clips just offering something in case there was someone that has more than they know what to do with
like tahunua trading for the gold pans
something have want to do myself but Wisconsin is one of the states with almost no gold in it
My wife is from Milwaukee as well, and I would not trade her for the world. Well maybe the Winchester M14 they have at FNH would be mighty tempting and maybe if they would throw in an M240..:D

If I was coming to Milwaukee this summer I could have brought you some, but maybe next year.