Have I lost my mind?


New member
I normally carry a Keltec P-11 24/7. I have over 10,000 rds thru it and have complete confidence in it. But lately on short trips to the market and such I've been just shoving my old Rossi M88 into my pocket. It makes no sense. The P-11 is lighter and easier to carry, not to mention twice the firepower. But somehow I feel better with the revolver in hand. Would I be crazy to go back to carrying a wheelgun? The revolver has alot going for it.

1. Very unlikely a revolver will ever jam.
2. Not to picky when it comes to ammo, may not be accurate with all, but everything goes boom.
3. Hard to argue against the proven merits of the .357.
4. Can reload wimp rounds for just plinking and still be practicing with my carry piece.
5. Not as much "My brand is god, your brand is crap" BS with the revolver crowd.

Haven't made up my mind yet. Figure I'll carry my Rossi for a week then decide. So, two questions for the good folks on this board. First, who makes a good .357 snubby? Looks like my choices are S&W or Taurus. And who makes a good IWB holster for a revolver? I have an Uncle Mike's but it leaves much to be desired.
Try the Dan Wesson revolvers.

You can attach a 2.5" barrel and a round butt grip for CCW and then attach the longer barrels and target stocks for general shooting.
O.K., I'll take the con side. At least point out the con points.

1. Revolvers do jam, just in different ways. If the spaceshuttle can turn into a bottle rocket, . . . .

2. Revolvers can be picky with ammo. Squib loads, hot loads, all directly impact your weapon.

3. The .357. It's going to be very loud and you had better be ready for the muzzle flash. Try different kinds of ammo.

4. You should practice with the load you intend to carry.

5. Pay no attention to the gunshop commandos seeking a magic sword. It is you, not the weapon.

Do not shove an unsecured weapon in your pocket. In a fight you will lose it as you are falling to the ground. Unsecured hurts your drawstroke as you fish in your pocket.

For a revolver, I prefer the Summer Special II by Milt Sparks. I 'm sure there are others that are suitable. Get a belt from the same company (so the belt and holster fit together).
SnW Model 19, 2½" round butt. Super accurate, joy to shoot, conceals well.

Pocket holster important,,,keeps em from falling out, keeps the crud out of the gun, keeps the gun in the same place and position for when you need it.

Even in the years that I carried gvt 1911, I also carried either a M&P or, later, a 36.

Squib load, stuck in barrel, shuts autoloader down just as thoroughly as revolver.

Now that I don't have to carry an autoloader, I don't.

Autoloader for offence, wheel for defense.

Okie, everybody seems to think nowadays that if you're not carrying what the latest "guru" recommends you're just SOL.

I happen to like the 1911. My 1911, with my ammo is as reliable as any machine can be. Any machine, anywhere, anytime can break. Revolvers, on average are less picky about ammo selection. Why then do soldiers, special forces and police whose life often depends on their sidearm carry semis? I have absolutely no quarrel with a pistolero that carries a revolver. Just so happens that 1911s suit me better than revolvers. Yes, I've had plenty of experience with both.

If you're comfortable with your M88 go for it! I'd much rather have someone who's comfortable with a derringer or a .22 at my back than some armchair commando that is carrying what the latest "guru" recommends.
Back to my senses again. I was a short yellow sheet away from trading my P-11 in on a new .357 today, when I suddenly realized that I had a very reliable weapon that I was very comfortable with, and I was about to give it away. So instead I bought another 200 rds of ammo for the nine and some wadcutters to load for the .38. Tomorrow I'm off to the range with the P-11 on my right hip, the M88 on the left in it's normal back-up position. I guess I was just in an overall rut and wanted something new. Still figure on carrying that M88 to the local 7-11 from time to time.

And just to clarify things, when i say "Shove in my pocket" I'm not referring to my pants pocket, but the inner breast pocket of my coat. I've had it altered by a tailor so that a small handgun fits snuggly in it. I suggest everyone give it a try. Great for carry in the winter, but when you're wearing a full length leather coat in July you draw attention to yourself.
Nuthin' wrong with wanting a little variety. But stick with those guns that you like and use well. Check around the forums and you'll see that most who traded or sold their guns for a new piece were sorry afterward. My motto is to acquire as many guns as suits me but not to let any go. Course money and the size of my gunsafe dictate how many I can have.(Thankfully!) A new gun added to your collection would be nice if you can do it. You can carry your old reliables until ya get proficient with the new acqusition and then just switch off to what ever floats your boat at the time. Just my thoughts on the subject.