Have a tendency to shoot left and low


New member
When I shoot my Glock 43 or 9mmShield my groups are off to the left and low. With my Glock 17 no problem. Looking for tips on being abit more accurate with these smaller handguns.
Low-left is common for a right handed shooter. Likely you're over-thinking the recoil you're going to get from the little guns and squeezing too hard. This causes you to also squeeze too hard with your trigger finger, pushing the front of the gun to the left as the trigger breaks.

Try dry firing some. Don't try to crush the gun when you grip it. Firm but not white knuckle. Focus on keeping your eyes open also.
If you're doing this two handed, remember the support hand is supposed to provide most of the grip strength.
Not enough, or incorrect support hand technique can aggravate the problem.
Have a tendency to shoot left and lo

It is obvious you are a right-handed shooter. You are jerk-pulling the trigger at the last minute. Slowly squeeze the trigger and let the firearm fire when it is ready. You right hand fist bends counter-clockwise when when you pull the trigger causing a 7:00 target hit. Left-hand shooters who pull the trigger in anticipation of the "BOOM" will typically hit the target at 5:00. It's all about physics. Also, make sure you are not breathing when the gun fires...take a full breath before each shot and slowly release your breath, holding it before the gun fires.
Yep, that is usually because of jerking the trigger. Dry firing (with snap caps, if you are like me) will usually confirm the diagnosis, and more dry firing will help you correct it.
Compensate for it or take an advanced course in shooting. I'm not sure about the rest of the Forum, but each of my revolvers shoot abit different.. So I went to the range and put about 50 rounds of ammo through each revolvver and made notes as to which shot dead on and which shot slightly to upper left or lower right. I'm left handed but I realized that in a stress moment that the odds that I would remember about this wasn't too good. So, I carry one revolver always and this one shoots dead center where I am aiming.
Since I've never been in a life or death situation(never hope to), I'm about as prepared as I'll ever be and that's probably not enough.
I'm about as prepared as I'll ever be and that's probably not enough.
Boy, you said it.
Most of what it takes to survive a potentially deadly encounter has little to do with the gun.
Without specific training on the subject, it's impossible to know what you don't know.
It's your grip and trigger pull. I trust you are right-handed! You need to practice more and stop breathing as you fire!
If you're shootin' left, move your target left and that should put you dead one.

I can't help the joke thing every now-and-then. But then again, shooters and hunters are known for their senses of humor!