Has the public ever sucessfully "pressured" a manufacturer into making a gun?


New member
I am dying for a small, poly framed carry gun in 22TCM. I personaly think the market is out there, but how do I get them to consider it? petitions? just lots of emails, phone calls?

do you agree that the market wants it? a small, but semi hi-cap firearm that shoots fast tiny bullets. something along the lines of the size of a shield with a 10-12 round capacity
Some distributors such as Davidsons have convinced manufacturers to make a limited run of odd ball stuff. Most gun companies need a minimum order of 500-1,000 guns to be worth their effort. If they can be guaranteed to sell that amount they MIGHT do it. At times these guns have done well and led to something similar being a regular production item. Many have not sold well at all.

This is something usually done when regular production guns are slow sellers and gun companies are more willing to do small runs of odd stuff in order to sell something.
Most unlikely for a couple of major reasons.

1. The .22 TCM is about the same OAL as a .38 Super, meaning that there is no small plastic gun that it would fit. That means you are trying to pressure a manufacturer into coughing up for a new mold and tooling up for a slide to handle a round designed for a 1911 size gun.

2. I know of no literature supporting the .22 TCM as a serious defensive caliber. The manufacturer would want a reason and backing to go to the trouble.

So, no, I don't agree that the market wants it.
Internet fantasy.
I've read that when Colt ceased production of the SAA with the advent of WWII, that they intended to not ever make it again. But when Ruger began selling a lot of single-action revolvers, the folks at Colt changed their minds. Thanks to Bill Ruger and the buying public, you can still purchase a brand new, genuine Colt SAA. But what you wish for, I am sceptical about. Gun nuts are forever dreaming up some new innovation. When the dream materializes, it's all too often like reinventing the wheel.
I have said this before, but those wanting some special gun or special chambering need only submit their ideas to a gun company. Along with (depending on how much work will be involved) a few thousand or a few hundred thousand pre-paid orders. Believe it or not, gun makers pretty well know what will make money and spending a million bucks to tool up to make a one-off gun to suit someone's whim is not the way to do it.

Same reason you don't see a double action plastic 7.62x25 so we can shoot Iron Curtain surplus ammo in a "modern" gun.
2 years ago ruger had an entry contest to design your own 10/22 for the 50th anniversary. it had to be something that they were capable of making so no gold anodized luger copycats in 500 S&W. a member here submitted a stainless 10/22 with the same sight setup as the ruger gunsite, and the modular stock setup of a ruger american rimfire.

it won and now these are in full scale production

personally I would have gone with an all black model but otherwise not a bad setup. change can be affected but I doubt that anyone would be likely to start production on a product unless the custom shop was seeing an inordinately large number of requests for a certain setup or their marketing dept was swamped with request from several thousand individuals.

22tcm is a cartridge I have always been curious about, but it is expensive as all get out, reloading for it is a pain, and armscors brass buy back program sounds like a pain and there's no telling how many times they've bought back the same brass. if ammo availability was better then I'm sure awareness of the cartridge would be better, but right now 5.7 fn is a much cheaper, easier to acquire cartridge that would make a better chambering for expirimental firearms lines to be marketed with nearly identical ballistics.
Darn. And I really want a gold anodized Luger in .500 S&W. With a 200 round drum magazine. And rails all over.

Haha, a magazine whose payload costs more dough than the platform expelling the bullets!

.22 TCM vs 5.7x28 at the load bench?
Either surely is not .38 Special kind of fun 'n easy, but .22 TCM is probably friendlier.

To the subject, you gentlemen are the crushers of dreams - but good & funny about it.:p
sorry, I wasn't implying that 5.7 was easier to reload. I was saying that factory ammo is more abundant since ATK started making it and the price has dropped down to similar with 45ACP prices, so if you don't reload, which it's not easy, 5.7 would be better economy-wise.
What's a 22 TCM?

OK,OK,I do know what it is, but you get away from a group of gun enthusiasts like here on TFL, and I'll bet close to 90% of other "shooters" have never heard of it. That makes it a very unlikely prospect for mass market gun manufacturers.
I was at walmar today, and was happy to TCM on the front cover(shooting times?), along with a new bolt action rifle. may get my dream yet, may jus01t t0ake a few years. maybe I should start with armsor/RIA sine they already have lots of the tooling.

my desire for the round is a lightweight SD gun that can hold a hi-cap. nd for reloading, I like anything that can reform brass from surplus .223
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Skizzums, my man! Harness that crazy, fun energy making yourself some of the finest .380 Auto brass ever made... by cutting down & inside-reaming your .223!:D
I would just buy the 1911, but I have zero need for another full size gun. I ust really want one in a smaller package, or at least a glock conversion

as I understand, its the same length as a 45, so wy wouldn't lone wolf at least make conversions. I would even take it in a revolver
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Has the public ever sucessfully "pressured" a munufacturere into making a gun?

I'd say yes, if by public you mean gun enthusiasts, and not the common man on the street. It's how we got the .44 Magnum, for just one example.
Skeeter Skelton is credited with the return of the .44 Special in S&W and Ruger guns. But that is just a different chamber in existing base guns, not a new or heavily revamped platform like the OP wants. And I don't think skizzums is as well known in the industry as Skeeter.