Has the NRA changed sides?

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"Reid supporters set up a hospitality tent Saturday in the parking lot of a Searchlight casino, about a mile from the tea party rally. The Senate leader planned to spend part of the day at a new shooting range in Las Vegas with National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre."
Like him or not, Harry Reid is a staunch pro-gunner. Reid voted
against the AWB and he also voted against the extension of the AWB. In 2004 the extension of the AWB passed the US senate on a 52-47 vote.


Democratic presidential contenders John Kerry of Massachusetts and John Edwards of North Carolina broke away from the Super Tuesday campaign trail to cast votes - their first of the year - with the 52-47 majority on the assault weapons ban.

Ten Republicans broke party ranks on the assault weapons vote: Warner, Chafee, Fitzgerald, DeWine, Lugar, Voinovich, Susan Collins of Maine, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, Gordon Smith of Oregon and Olympia Snowe of Maine.

Six Democrats voted against extending the ban: Baucus, Nelson, Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Zell Miller of Georgia and Harry Reid of Nevada.
Like him or not, Harry Reid is a staunch pro-gunner.
Yep, and even if he wasn't, what would be wrong with taking him shooting?

I've converted antis that way. It sure works better than shutting them out.

Or perhaps it's just easier to bash the NRA out of hand.
I was totally insulted by the NRA's endorsement of McCain...

this is after they published an article where he showed me he was the most anti gun candidate running for president, except for Obama... ar least from what I was told about O. Now I wonder if it wasn't all hype because of Obama's other political (left) leanings and really had nothing to do with guns and gun control.

The same in my Senate race.... the NRA supported the Rebub running for re-election when the guy (Demo) running against him was 5x more pro gun.
NRA support often hinges on a study of historical voting behavior - IOW, how a politician has actually voted throughout their career, not what they say.

I support the NRA. They are not always right, and they can drop the ball like anyone. But in the Corps I was taught 'if you're going to screw up, do it loudly - don't hide it.' The NRA is out there swinging. I encourage anyone who doesn't agree with something they do to get involved and write, call, etc.

Good to see that Harry Reid hangs out with LaPierre! Thats why its called a 'democracy'! :D
Getting face time with the pro gun senate majority leader, who hails from a party with a lot of anti-gun people, is never a bad thing.

Even if you disagree with Reid on a lot of issues he is firmly in the pro gun camp.
Even if you disagree with Reid on a lot of issues he is firmly in the pro gun camp.
Which is really all that matters to the NRA. They are a single issue lobbying group. All that matters to them is the person's stance on gun control--and that's as it should be.
PR job is all it is., keep your friends close and your enemies closer, i just hope i can buy more toys for my hobby with all the new taxes coming down the pike? This being said i am surprised this this administration has left the NRA alone, so far anyway? its about the only thing i like right now about it.
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