Has anyone seen this!

That is definately a load of s#$* if I have ever seen one. His statement " Guns are not called “deadly weapons” because they sometimes go off by accident, but because death is their intended purpose." just goes to show how brianwashed and outright stupid he is.
How is it that I own guns(that are intended to cause death) and yet I have never killed anyone?

What a fool.
It was written April 30.

Note how his article is packed with sensationalist adjectives: "The murderous NRA leaders"...etc.

NBC is your friend and would never try to unduly influence you

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Every now and again someone will mention a revolution of one sort or another. "We" are all pretty much in the same boat and probably wouldnt start one. How long ago do you think "they" started???

Its hell to have to play catch up.

Better days to be,

The author, who claims not to believe the second applies to all, makes good use of the right to free speech. If one right applies, all apply. Maybe he would like to move to England where hoodlems shoot at each other and anyone else in the way with automatic weapons in public. Then he could see for himself what gun control has done for them. Maybe he would like to be affraid to "see" anything because only hoodlems and the rare police officer have guns.

How stupid can people be?

There is no real Job Requirements to enter a career as a free lance journalist...
Remember that.

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Hmmm. If there are no qualifications, I might make the cut.

But how does one get published?

Hmmm. How does "two" get published?

Hmmm. How would two thousand TFLers get published???

Let's bat this around a bit. If we all wrote article after article to newspapers, maybe some of us would see our efforts published.

We could start quoting each other as sources forcing the brownshirts to expend efforts to contradict us, etc.

We could send info to national-level writers for them to confirm and use in their articles.



[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 14, 1999).]
Dennis, I think you are on the right track. After all that article was this cretin's opinion. OPINION! Was there an opposing viewpoint offered? I honestly do not know, but I doubt it. I am sure MSNBC would not have made it know had there been one.
I am sure there are plenty of intelligent, articulate people in TFL who would be well suited to publsihing the truth!
Thank you Kodiac for the reality check. Maybe there is a future in journalism for me?

Dennis, Phillip you're both dead on. IF all of us write articles, letters to editors, and quote each other our voices will be heard around the world. They cannot keep us all quiet.

[This message has been edited by shades6848 (edited August 14, 1999).]
It's real simple: If you want to get published, spew liberal lies.

I can't get over how antis like this moron keep making statements to the effect that it is "self-evident" how absurd possessing semi-auto weapons is; that such a claim hardly needs "de-bunking" for any "sane" person. What kind of argument is that? It's a house of cards with no foundational premise. It's circular logic - actually it's not circular, it's an bare allegation with no facts in support. I for one find quite the contrary, that it is "self-evident" the usefulness of semi and fully-auto weapons. So from where does he pull out his "self-evident" values or all of his "sane people". Are they from his rectum or just out of thin air? Do you suppose, you idiot, that the NRA has 5 times as much money as HCI, because there are 5 times as many people who believe in its values relative to HCI? Of course that's why. What a stupid pathetic man he is. I did email him to ask for a correction of the outright lies (only in America can over 18 year olds purchase semi-autos, etc.)
They are calling Heston a "pretty face"...maybe they are jealous that his time is going towards a useful endeavour rather than paying attention to NBC.
"NRA money has corrupted our political system"

Why in the world would anyone say that? Who is the NRA anyways?

The NRA is the people! We like minded individuals have formed together to increase our political voice.

This is just the kind of thing the media wants to destroy by promoting campaign finance reform. If this law passes, you, I and all other gun owners will be effectivly silenced because we can't use our money for political contributions.

Who would then be left to speak for us? THE MEDIA and as you know, they are the enemy to gun owners and freedom!
OH, I almost forgot......you should see the anti gun media here in LA going at it against guns. Virtually every radio and television station is railing against guns at virtually every broadcast, every day, none-stop since the Jewish Center shootings.

Does anyone still live under the illusion that the media is fair and unbiased?

Does anyone still live under the illusion that the MEDIA is NOT our enemy?
You bring up a good point about the media being our enemy. The thing is, that they act out of self-interest the same way we all do. I wonder if there is a way to change their incentive structure so that their interests agree with our own.
The media responds well to pressure from advertisers, since that's where most of their money comes from. I think that might be the most effective place to act. Does anybody have any realistic ideas on how we can influence the bottom line of corporations like CBS, NBC, etc?

Some considerations are:
1 Carnage improves ratings, so people tune in and watch. Ratings translate into advertising dollars.
2 Outrage sells too, but too often people are led to see gun owners as victimizers. This might be a form of slander, no?
3 Could they be convinced to do expose(sp?) type pieces on Govt. abuses of power like they did in the 60's?
4 How much of media bias is due to perverse incentives, and how much is due to the personal convictions of the journalists in question?
5 Would a boycot of anti-gun businesses have any effect? Also, could it be done, or are we all too acddicted to Pepsi Products?(an anti-corporation)It would have to be really big to get anyone's attention.

I'm far from sure what the answer to this problem is. I just wanted to kick some options out, and see what people think.
And if the media don't tout the party line, they don't get the really "juicy" leaks that sell papers. So, the media becomes the stooge of our current government.

It is the government who has become the threat to our freedoms. And the government controls the media who, as noted above, have become mere "news marketers" without journalistic integrity.
While I agree on most points about the media being, for the most part, biased against us, please note that this was an Op Ed, or an Editorial Opinion, by a freelance writer. Still and all, he is a regular with MSNBC. I'm just looking for the response from the other side....

Perhaps Mad Dog or Art or Rob or Rich should write it. Or perhaps yours truly.... I have been looking for a change, lately, and it would appear that their standards for quality aren't TOO terribly high....!
You know those radio staions and tv stations use alot of electricy and it would be a real shame if some redneck was to be a shootin at some squirrel on a power line and bust it and the poor tv station was to lose its power right at news time..... but we would never be any part of such foolish activity as shooting illegally at a squirrel on a power line.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?