Has anyone "MAGNA_PORTED" a...


New member
7mmRemMag with a 26" barrel?

WOuld you do it again?

I'm thinking of doing mine. Looking for feed back.
My dad just had his done last year. He loves it, it is a little louder but makes a bid difference on being able to see tou hitd when hunting. He actually had to readjust his scope nearly 3 inches at 100 yards as it held the muzzle down that much.
He actually had to readjust his scope nearly 3 inches at 100 yards as it held the muzzle down that much.

HUH??? By the time the muzzle porting may do something somewhat related to its marketing hype, the bullet has left the gun and therefore, no scope adjustment should be necessary.

They like to do this to a lot of shotguns - not worth it for them. It WILL increase muzzle blast backwards, which if you're hunting and not wearing hearing protection, the damage will be greater to your ears
By the time the muzzle porting may do something somewhat related to its marketing hype, the bullet has left the gun and therefore, no scope adjustment should be necessary.
I agree that the bullet will be downrange but the way he holds the rifle will probably be much more relaxed, and of the flinch factor is reduced. So I therefore can believe there could be a need to change settings;)
You may want to have a muzzle break installed rather then the magna-port. Some people do not like the loadness so with the muzzle break allows you the option of being able to remove it when it's not needed.
ive herd of these muzzel breaks but never magna porting. will doing this to a rifle make it more accurate, cause i can touch three shots at 100 with my 7mag and hand loaded rounds? how does it effect the performance of the gun?? if it does.
Neither maga-porting or muzzle brakes have anything to do with accuracy- if you have a rifle that is as accurate as you want it to be, then leave it be and enjoy it
I'm not sure how it all works but I do know my dad does not have a flinch factor and he did have to adjust his scope.

The bullet is still engaged by the rifling for about half an inch after it passes the porting so isn't it possible that it has not left the gun before the muzzle rise is affected ?

I'm not sure just trying to figure it out now.

I sent my Savage model 99 to Michigan for Magna-porting about two years ago. This custom work was recommend to me by local smith to eliminate muzzle jump associated with recoil from .308 and the rifle's low comb stock design.

Maga-port completed the job and sent the rifle back in less than 3 weeks. Amazingly, the original factory blueing was not marred at all. Muzzle jump was eliminated and this rifle is a joy to shoot. Blast loudness increased? Not at all. Perhaps the person who made this statement is misinformed.

Good shooting to you.
