Has anyone had malfunction linked to recoil buffers?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I have had weird failures to feed with a Mak90. They have happended with 75rd drums AND 30rd box magazines...either bullets hit the feed ramp or they feed in too high and hit the top of the chamber. I am beginning to wonder if the bolt carrier is not moving back far enough or in correct tempo because of the recoil buffer. Could be bad magazines, too, or just bad followers...any ideas for troubleshooting?

And, yes, I will ask this on ak47.net, too.


What type of recoil buffer? I assume this is an after-market type, so take it out and see what happens.

In general, I distrust recoil buffers. I have not used any on an AK, but have done so on other guns and have had problems with every one I have tried. These are usually designed as extractors - they extract money from the gun owner's pocket without any real benefit to the gun.
