Has anyone given Colt Cowboy a fair trial?

Rusty S

New member
OK, we all have our pet definitions of what a gun should be to be right for us. I love pinned and recessed Smiths, and the Colt I and D frames of the 50's and 60's. I say this cause I understand and participate in gun "snobbery" myself, but....

I've a second generation SAA 45, bought new, the trigger and spring smithed to a fine red hair, with maybe 30 rounds total thru it ( all shot the first year I had it ) in 30 years. When Colt brought out the Cowboy a year or so back, I considered getting one to actually use. The reaction I got was almost all negative, but from people who apparently had dismissed the Cowboy without really checking it out. The gun panderzines treated them as if they were just fine and perfectly suitable.

So does anyone really know from personal experience if the Cowboy is a POS junk gun, inaccurate, unreliable, will wear out within ten 50 round boxes of ammo - or is it the greatest thing since sliced bread? I know it's got a cast frame and frame mounted firing pin and it isn't a SAA. Given that, what's the verdict? Does it hold up to being abused in the cowboy action shoots? Does it break? Is it dangerously unsafe? Help???