I have no idea how CCI was auto corrected to RCBS. I was on my tablet.
They are actually CCI. The packaging is green for rifle, red for pistol. I've never in my life seen this combination. I've been reloading since the early 1970s, and i still have a package of primers from that time. These things were far older.
So, here are the facts as I see them. one possibilty is that CCI released a limited edition run o these, and i believe that is completely ridiculous. the trademark info, the addresses, the stamped production codes, none of that was current. They were labeled as "non-corrosive and non mercuric". A 1964 advertisement showed the logo of cascade cartridge, not CCI.
I believe that this wanker bought an estate that included them. Maybe a bunch of powder and ammunition as well. Now, these things that date back to a time when I was still on a bb gun are sitting in his shop. I don't really like the idea of anything being on a store's shelves without clear notice that they are as old as the hills, and of unknown origin.