Has anyone ever heard of these?


New member
I was looking on the internet and came across some names of guns I have never heard of and was wondering if anyone knew anything about them. They are: Talon Industries (T200 9mm),
Arcus (Model 94) and Mauser M2.
I received a flyer via snail mail from Talon Industries the other day; and their firearms look impressive on paper?:eek:
If they function flawlessly, and are "combat accurate"; they
should have a rather big following, if the price is right.:D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
The Talon is a clone of the already inexpensive KelTec 9mm. The Arcus, as was stated, is basically a BHP clone, with some differences in external looks. The new M2 is a Sig/Mauser joint venture, and I am less than impressed. Waaaaay to chunky, and the Glock's have a superb trigger feel, by comparison.
SOG has the Talon in 9mm for $109 and .380 for $99 i believe. I've held them and they seem pretty decent.Century International has the new Arcus for sale on their website.:)

Have a Mauser M2. The Mauser name is now owned by SIG.

The M2 is a reduced size .45ACP semiauto. A double stacked mag which houses 10 rounds is the source of the M2's wide girth at the grip making it a bit big to carry concealed (which is why I hesitate to call it 'compact'). It has a rotating barrel action and is a bit unusual in the areas of disassembly and the manual safety. The safety is located in the rear top portion of the grip below the slide. Reaching it with the shooting hand is imposible without seriously shifting your grip. The solution is to keep it on 'Fire'. The safety itself is actually an optional feature as mentioned in the manual. If you do a search I posted a few pics of it compared to a SIG P220 and an HK P7 refurb.

I had run 100 rounds of UMC through it without any problems. The fat grip actually greatly helped in distributing the recoil more evenly in my shooting hand and I experienced very little muzzle climb. Comparable to a 9mm in my opinion. Accuracy-wise, it did not perform as well at a SIG P220 I had shot it against. 25 yd groups off hand were 4-6" were I was shooting 3-4.5" with the SIG. It could be that I have yet to get comfortable with the gun's shooting characteristics to get better groupings. I could not bench the guns for a better comparison as the range I was at had the benches set up at ~65 yds. Empties were thrown at 4:00-5:00 in about a 4-5 ft circle.
My experience with the Talons was not good.
We sold two at the shop I worked at. Both came back within 24 hours. The customers claimed they were malfunction-prone and wouldn't feed anything reliably. My boss took the pistols home to check on their assertions.

The customers were, indeed, right.
Re: Talon

I can wholeheartedly agree with the Talon reports. My gun jammed incessantly, was sent to the factory, and jammed some more. The gun would not even chamber the first round when I inserted a clip with the slide locked open. The magazine fit does not seem to be very tight either.
Re: Talon

Whover is in charge of letting these out of the factory should be skinned.

A friend of mine who is also a dealer brought 3 of them over to try out before selling them.

We couldnt get one clip through any of them without some form of a malfunction.

We had a few and even did a finish polish on the barrels that were not done by the factory. They didn't sell and were sent back. I think that the Arcus is possibly the best HP clone out there, seems to be sturdy, too bad it won't fit the HP holsters.