Has anyone else ever noticed....


New member
Owning a firearm is one of the freedoms in life we enjoy, that DEMANDS the highest level of personal responsibility.

In our current society no one is ever to blame:

It's the parent's fault.

It's the tobacco companies fault.

It's the auto manufacturer's fault

It's the gun maker's fault.

It's the government's fault.

And on and on and on….. ad nauseum.

People who are so quick to deflect blame from individual's actions, onto some one else, are usually the very same people who have no problem what so ever blaming violence committed with a firearm on responsible owners. It's only with guns that the "path of blame" is crystal clear for them.

It seems like a strange dichotomy. There must be a correlation somewhere. I wish I could figure it out….

Ahh, you've found the "Marc Responsibility Theorem." I have found a way, essentially, that blames (note the ironic use of blame) all of society's problems on the population taking less and less responsibility for their actions. What amazes me is that society allows it to continue. Example:Person trips, falls and breaks their back on a broken sidewalk. Normal human reaction-"Damn, I'm dumb! Why didn't I watch where I was going?" Reaction of today's Society -"Damn, the city didn't fix this sidewalk, and cause of them, I am hurt! I will sue them for their mistake."
This works for EVERYTHING that is screwed up today. Try it out. If you have any questions, or want a clarification on a topic, just come and ask me. Remember, it's the "Marc Responsibility Theorem." I want that documented when historians look back and laugh at how silly the 20th century is.
My otherwise worthless liberal sister-in-law sat on a jury where a 75+ year old grandmother was suing an amusement theme park because she tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and broke her ankle. She was suing for unspecified damages, pain & suffering, etc.

The jury even went to the theme park to look at the crack, which was caused by a tree root growing and thrusting upwards against the concrete. It was a pretty big separation.

My otherwise worthless liberal sister-in-law convinced the jury to only award the defendant medical and legal costs. She reasoned that: Grandma was restored to health. The only ones that stood to benefit would be her two daughters after grandma kicked the bucket, who were drooling in the courtroom the entire time. And, what was a 75+ year old woman doing in the theme park in high heel platform shoes?

The rest of the jury bought it.

There is justice sometimes.
Nauseating, ain't it? I've been calling it the "blameless society", as in "it's not my fault, you can't blame me" for my stupidity/inattentiveness/clumsiness/etc., it must be someone else's fault, not mine.

I had a similar experience a few years ago. I was a a local mall one evening on my way in where a tree root had heaved the sideway 2-3", I stepped wrong and went down (I have a very loose right ankle), spraining the ankle, skinning my knee & elbow, and ruining a pair of trousers. I figured bad luck and clumsiness, but as I hobbled into work teh next day I was aghast at the number of co-workers who urged me to sue. And while I think the mall should fix their sidewalk, I should watch where I'm going. Overall, I find this litigeous society of our pretty disgusting, driven by too many underemployed lawyers (We could resurect the lawyer joke thread?)

Pardon the rambling, but I fear that this general lack of character in society is symptomatic of a greater sickness that contributes the incidents we've seen in Littleton, Atlanta, ad nauseum. No one's responsible and no one's going to hold them to it. Barf. M2
"Owning a firearm is one of the freedoms in life we enjoy, that DEMANDS the highest level of personal responsibility." - JoeHatley

This sounds like a good quote to add to someone's signature line. Falls right into place with mine.

It is a good thought Joe, and one that we should all think seriously about. Every time someone sees a shot-up street sign or hears a story about a kid getting their parent's handgun; it makes us all look bad. As RESPONSIBLE gun owners, we ALL need to turn the mirror on ourselves and make sure that we are exercising our right to keep and bear arms in a responsible fashion.

The jerk at the gun show that tells an east-coast reporter that he lets his 2 year old shoot a .22 or how he used to poach wild dogs on his way to school isn't doing us any favors, just making the rest of us look bad.

Great freedoms requires great responsibility.

"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
Thanks Blues Man, kind words.

BTW: I commute 80 miles a day, so I have time
to listen to a lot of tunes.

Last work week:

Monday: Clapton

Tuesday: Buddy Guy

Wednesday: Corey Stevens

Thursday: Johnny Winters

Friday: Kenny Wayne Sheppard

Got a ton of reloading to do today, after my usual Friday night range session. I'm thinking Chris Duarte...


Oh man! I just know I'm gonna get flamed for this one...

I was churning over this thread this morning, and I came to the conclusion that many Christian denominations (sects) actually teach lack of personal responsibility through the fall of Adam. Well, it was his fault, wasn't it? :) :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited August 21, 1999).]
That's a HUGE can of worms. But I'll save them for fishing.

A different spin on it...Given that Adam ate that apple, should we not ban apple eating? Afterall, it's the apple's fault, right? ;)

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State

[This message has been edited by othermarc (edited August 21, 1999).]

Just for the record, I am Christian. :)

And, you're right! An apple ban would be more fitting, as it is the inanimate object!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

Ummmm.... gonna let that go...!

My best friend's sister, effectively my little sister since 5th grade, was killed at a train crossing 3 years ago, just before her graduation from high school to accept her full scholarship to go pre-med to Texas A&M.
The day before the funeral, I finally broke down and cried at the family's house. They were crying, too, about the tragedy of an unsafe intersection cutting short the life of one with so much promise, and I blubbered, interupting with "I am so P!SSED at the stupid carelessness that girl showed! She didn't even stop or look at the tracks she crossed every day!" They were kind of shaken by my statement, but they still went talk to an attorney; 8 months later, the railroad company awarded them an $800,000 settlement. Yes, it was a very dangerous intersection, but any idiot knows to yeild the car at an un-regulated RR intersection!!!

Hey, I'm glad to see the parents and family get some kind of recompensation for the loss of their beautiful, intelligent daughter, but I have YET to have heard ANYONE else admit that, ultimately, the blame was hers.

God forbid.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited August 21, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited August 21, 1999).]
What I want to know is now that the tobacco companies have been sued for billions to "cover the medical costs caused by their product", If I develop a smoking related disease, where do get my money?