Has anyone been saved by a cell phone Part 2.


New member
I work part time as a security officer on the weekends? Just the local cotton mills, warehouse and such. Alot of these places are in bad neighborhoods and we the guards are not allowed to carry a firearm.
They tell us to call 911. But in my opinion I feel tha I have the right to protect myself so I pack a pocket pistol, cellphone, Maglite flashlight OC spray and my trusty ColdSteel folder. But If I get caught with my protection I or we will get fired and God knows we working folks cant afford that. I have not had any problems yet, but was advised just this week to keep a watch on the break ooms and shop areas because of someone came in at the first of the week and carried of alot of goods so if we cant pack, what are we to do? We have no training ecept for fire watch and making rounds every hour. we have no training in dealing with dangerous situations or anything and its all 3rd shift. I pack anyways and take my chances.
If location-location-location is the golden rule in real estate, then it must be awareness-awareness-awareness for self-defense.

Your job tasks you to go dangerous places and perform a certain mission. The higher your awareness skills, the better you can do your job. And, more importantly, protect your life.

If you run into problems on the sites you're working, you report it to the police (B&E in progress, vandalism, trespassing). So that leaves safety concerns to and from the sites and the possibility of dealing with a situation that you didn't see coming.

Going to and from sites, you aren't on company time (or not on their property). On site, you have to first survive an unexpected situation to worry about losing your job.

My advice would be: Get training, since you aren't provided any by way of professional development in your job.

You've already determined that your life is worth more than their rules and you know the consequences if you have to use any of the tools you're carrying. Get the training to develop your skill with the tools you've chosen and look for a better job situation while you've still got this one.
If all they let you have is a cellphone, you could always put it in your sock and beat someone to death with it.
Basically, you're up 5h17 creek. Let some other sucker take over your "duty" and get a job with any contents besides continuous danger for life and limb with no appropriate tools to cope with it. As Gomez pithily put it, no particular future in this one. :(