Has anyone attended training at the NRA Whittington center?


New member
Has anyone attended training at the NRA Whittington Center?

I received an e-mail yesterday about a thread I started years ago,,,
I was inquiring if anyone knew of a "Disneyland for Shooters".

I was hoping to find a nice resort-like place,,,
That had food, lodging, and rifle/pistol range facilities.

That E-mail brought those thoughts back to the front,,,
So I looked again and all I could come up with,,,
Was the NRA Whittington Center.

It's not Disneyland,,,
But it looks like a decent enough place,,,
I'm wondering what their guest facilities are like.

Do they have any kind of restaurant on site?

If anyone has anyone been there,,,
Could you give me an overview of what your experience was like.

I am considering a late summer or early fall vacation,,,
I'd like to go somewhere to have fun with guns.

If you've attended a training class or simply visited,,,
Please post your overall impression of the experience.



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I was there for a 5-day LE Long-Range Rifle Instructor school a LONG time ago, 1991. Back then Raton was a smallish town with some restaurants but I don't remember the names. I don't remember where we ate lunch at whether it was at the facility or not--just too long ago. I do remember the ranges were great though and lots of wind to challenge you at distance. YMMV
Raton is a friendly place. Many improvements at Whittington; it's an unending process. I imagine that any training school there would be professionally done.

Their website explains their housing.

There is a motel/café on the right as you enter Raton from the south, on 2nd St. Good place. Less expensive than the others.

Be careful of the Elite gun store toward the north end of town. Hang out too long, they'll put you to work stocking shelves. :D Good folks.
Thanks Art,,,

Thanks Art,,,
I appreciate any first hand knowledge.

I've read about the accommodations on the website,,,
But first-hand references often tell more.

I used to travel a lot for work,,,
I have found that websites are often a bit optimistic.

I will be taking a real vacation next Spring,,,
So I'm doing my preliminary planning of the agenda.

A training course at a fine facility would be a fine weekend indeed.


Another very good reason to be a member of the NRA.
There's a lot more to them than politics.
The HQ in Fairfax, VA has an indoor range, too.
I went to a group gathering--THR folks--and we stayed in one of the dormitory-like deals. Quite good. Reasonable price. Bring your own pillow and towels.

The sight-in range is a good plinking place.

Neat to watch the mule deer and antelope wander around, mostly unconcerned with people.

I did the Founder thing, back in the 1980s. #1,3??. :)