Has America Become a Nation of Whiners????

Considering he also helped write the Enron Loop Hole, Phil Gramm is no friend to the working class. If this guy is writing economic policy for a possible President, we've got problems far beyond the scope of a whinning populace. This ecomony isn't dead, but it is certainly having hard times and any so called "leader" who wants to blame it on the media and whinning Americans is dillousional.
Yep. We have a bunch of people who bought homes they could not afford either because they were too stupid to do the math or read the agreement they were signing, or were gambling on the appreciation which has backfired.
Now they are whining about how it was somebody elses fault and the government i.e. our tax money needs to bail them out.:barf:
Well, some of us have become/are whiners for sure and its our own fault--
to many Americans want/expect everything.
Many families are WAY over extended--don't know how to live within their means --then blame someone or something else for their problems.
Many of us are nothing more than puppets on a string and we dance when TV or friends or whomever tells us that we need this or that to be happy.
Can't REALLY afford something?? Don't buy it!
The housing mess?---greed and stupidity---even though the corrupt lenders DID give out outrages mortgages to people , it should be up to the individuals to make up their minds and honestly look at their situation and confirm in their own minds whether or not they can truly afford that house.
Last time I checked, nobody held a gun to any ones head getting them to sign the papers.
People need to quit looking to the government for every thing in their lives---thats not what our government was intended to do ---and we have to ask ourselves, do we REALLY want the government in our daily business??
Two dirtiest words in the english language:


Phil Gramm said:
"We have sort of become a nation of whiners. You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline," said the former Texas senator. "You've heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession."

Gramm also said the media was responsible for fostering unnecessary anxiety over the state of the economy. "Misery sells newspapers," he said. "Thank God the economy is not as bad as you read in the newspaper every day."

"The whiners are the leaders. Hell, the American people are victims, but it didn't quite come out that way in the story," Gramm said.

These national and congressional leaders "blame speculators and oil companies for our problems, instead of presenting concrete programs for using energy more efficiently, or leaders who don't think we can compete with Mexico."

"What we need is more leadership and less whining," he added.

"I said we are in a mental recession. We keep getting the steady drumbeat of bad news ... it's become a mental recession," said Gramm. "We don't have measured negative growth. That's a fact, that's not a commentary."

By definition a recession is two quarters of negative economic growth....which we have not had. Gramm is exactly correct, the only ones calling this a "recession" are the Democrats and the news media.

Is the economy as bad as the newspapers would have you believe? NO, growth statistics do not support newspaper claims. Economic growth is slower than in years past, but is still growing.

Have we lost our competitiveness? In some areas yes, Union demands and government regulations have pushed some manufacturing jobs overseas. Thank the trial lawyers for raising medical care costs and liability insurance. American's are still the most productive workforce in the world.

He's spot on about a do nothing Democrat controlled Congress that has never drilled for one barrel of oil....but has prevented others from doing so. Oil is all about supply and demand. You can either reduce demand and slow growth or increase supply and grow the economy.

Whiners?.....yes, America is fast becoming a nation of overweight, poorly educated, gadget oriented, sit in front your flat screen, what can the government do for me today sponges.
Considering he also helped write the Enron Loop Hole, Phil Gramm is no friend to the working class

Ron Paul had some good observations to make today when Bernake was testifying.

Paul pointed out how over regulation of the commodities markets really doesn't avoid the speculative bubbles and other abuses, and that Sarbanes-Oxley is generally useless as well. It merely drives investment offshore (to London) where there's less regulation.

He went on to say that a stable dollar would do a lot more to rein in the run up in the price of oil.

He made a lot of sense.
Considering he also helped write the Enron Loop Hole, Phil Gramm is no friend to the working class.

Mr Gramm and his ilk are a big part of America's problem out of touch and out of control wealthy elite who control our government though lobbyist and fail to see issues that confront the middle-class. While I do agree as a whole we have people who "whine" however on the subject of the future of the American economy we need to complain.

McCain needs to quickly rid himself of the current administrations group of folks if he wants to have a minimal chance at winning.
One of the fault lines in this country is between those who play by the rules-don't spend all your money, don't go in hock over your head, don't live beyond your means, take care of your health, etc., and those who don't.
Regarding the loss of jobs overseas due to unions, government regulations, etc., I think the real problem is greed on the part of corporate fat cats and contempt for the American worker.
Are we a nation of whiners?

No, I don't think so. But the whiners are the ones you hear. Over and over. Pick your "crisis" and the talking heads will whine about it for you on the tube and in print, 24/7.

The rest of us are just rying to live our lives as best we can, and most of us don't bother to waste the time whining about it.
Rembrandt said:
By definition a recession is two quarters of negative economic growth....which we have not had. Gramm is exactly correct, the only ones calling this a "recession" are the Democrats and the news media.

Is the economy as bad as the newspapers would have you believe? NO, growth statistics do not support newspaper claims. Economic growth is slower than in years past, but is still growing.

Have we lost our competitiveness? In some areas yes, Union demands and government regulations have pushed some manufacturing jobs overseas. Thank the trial lawyers for raising medical care costs and liability insurance. American's are still the most productive workforce in the world.

He's spot on about a do nothing Democrat controlled Congress that has never drilled for one barrel of oil....but has prevented others from doing so. Oil is all about supply and demand. You can either reduce demand and slow growth or increase supply and grow the economy.

Whiners?.....yes, America is fast becoming a nation of overweight, poorly educated, gadget oriented, sit in front your flat screen, what can the government do for me today sponges.

I agree that it is so far, over-exaggerated.

However, the economy is as bad as it is because many Americans were already whiners.
Why dont we see a working class citizen in office? Because he doesnt have the money to buy people's votes. I would rather vote for someone who works his/her hands to the bone to make an honest living than to have someone in office who hasnt had dirt, soot or grease under their fingernails. This country is being run by the 'whiners', we as the working class just state the obvious. At least someone from the working class wouldnt blow smoke up our butts because they have to say something to appease the majority. Politicians need to reevalute what is really going on in this country instead of worrying about what opinion polls say about them.
I have no problems with wealth my whine is when they abuse the power of that wealth most of our current leaders were born into wealth and simply live in a glass bubble shielded from the working poor and its problems, it is truly difficult for a multi-millionaire to understand someone upset with $4 gas. The problems of a rich/poor society is growing and the trend will continue but it certainly in my opinion will cause a win for candidates like Obama with far left ideas.
There are 9.2 million households worth more than $1 million in the U.S. I don't think they were all born in to it.

IMO most of the ones who achieved this wealth did something the others did not.

There is some benefit to learning all you can in school and doing the work, relocations, etc. where you can make good money.

If you cruise through school or quit and have no expertise that somebody is willing to pay for, it is mostly your own fault.
"Regarding the loss of jobs overseas due to unions, government regulations, etc., I think the real problem is greed on the part of corporate fat cats and contempt for the American worker."

I only partially agree with this. It's true that the corporate fatcats are, as a rule, greedy SOBs who could care less about their workers. That said, though, there is the issue of corporate survival. After all, even the fatcats don't make any money (except their golden parachutes) if the company goes belly up.

The simple fact is that most consumer products must be made overseas or they are too expensive to be sold here in the US. Even if the American products are "better" in some way, many people won't buy them because of one or more of these reasons:

1) They can't tell the difference.
2) They don't care about the difference.
3) They can't afford or justify the more expensive American product, even though it's better.

If a company can't sell its product at a profit, it will fold. We've all seen it happen. Don't get me started on what it's been like to be a Silicon Valley technogeek for 30 years.

The Heller decision wasn't perfect, I can't have a machine gun, I can't have an Atomic cannon. There still may be some restrictions. The NRA isn't doing it's job. Ammo is too expensive. SW has locks on its guns.

Never mind. Phil is the tool of some Swiss bank.
There are 9.2 million households worth more than $1 million in the U.S. I don't think they were all born in to it.

IMO most of the ones who achieved this wealth did something the others did not.

There is some benefit to learning all you can in school and doing the work, relocations, etc. where you can make good money.

If you cruise through school or quit and have no expertise that somebody is willing to pay for, it is mostly your own fault.

You said nothing here that I don't know, however "most of our leaders"
were born into wealth and certainly it does make a huge difference in
ones thought process of life too think otherwise is super naive.
Again nothing wrong with being wealthy the problem is when you abuse
and hurt others with that wealth and that is the current path we are on
and in the end that will support a left wing agenda.
Someone define the term "whinning" before we proceed. Does the term refer to an attitude or does / can it refer to content. Is it a vocalization or is it an expression of reality.

One time honored technique for marginalizing a group (any group) is to label an element of a group and over time paint the entire group with the term. End result is a group that may have a legitimate beef over <insert subject of course> is discredited.

Phil Gramm may be correct about elements of the state of the economy but his comments about whiners will discredit others who have a legitimate bellyache about the state of the economy.

edited to add--is offering dissent against the existing order whining? Is political opposition whining?
It's the result of entitlement programs, pushed by liberals, which has taught people that they no longer have to be responsible for their decisions. Government will take care of them.

I don't hear any whining from the flooded out midwest residents. New Orleans, on the other hand, was full of people whining and blaming the government.
Is America a nation of whiners? IMO, absolutely. However, that is not the problem with McCain's advisor's statement. He further stated that the American economy is stronger than ever. When I heard that, I thought to myself "WTF is he talking about?". But then, you have to remember these politicians at this level, they don't have to worry about the price of gas like an average american. They are detached from us in that way. A further detachment is the fact that the DOW Jones stock market went below 11,000 for the first time since August 2006. I guess someone should let Mr. Gramm in on the information that the average American already knows-- our economy is in deep trouble.