Harvested my first Turkey today!


New member
Beautiful day here in middle Tennessee, and after only a half hour we called in four jakes. Mine (left) was shot at 40 yards with 3" 1&7/8 #5 and my partner's at 25.

I'm totally addicted!

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CONGRATS!!!! men... It's totally addictive, and adrenaline( misspelled) runs through something fierce when they come in struttin and gobblin doesn't it?:)
I don't shake when I shoot a deer any more......and I'm not a "real" turkey hunter but when I do manage to get one coming I SHAKE!!!!!

Nice going...........got to wonder......how high do you think your blood pressure was???

I'm seeing 10-15 turkeys a day right now on the way to work and back, but I can't call worth a hoot. Next season maybe!
Welcome to the club! I fixed my first wild turkey dinner last night and it was good eatin.

Nice looking birds there. I'm in east tn (Greeneville) and SE Kentucky alot and see them everywhere, but haven't shot or ate one yet. I've heard most just eat the breast and it was dark not white meat? Any truth to that?

Many do just eat the breast as the legs are much leaner and stringy'er(tendons,etc) then a tame bird.

But there are use's for the legs as well as much of the rest of the carcass.

Boiling them and making stock for noodles/dumplings is just one.

Too, making use of the leg meat and tendons by grinding and mixing it into the grinds of deer,chicken etc. is great food for the dogs.
Bswiv my blood pressure was jacked! It's normally very low haha. My partner and I were on the same tree and he said he could feel my heartbeat through the tree lol.

Amazing first kill. Called in four jakes all at once, and got to pick which we wanted. Eating half mine tonight :)
Congratulations on your first turkey! I like turkey hunting 10x more than deer hunting personally. It's just a better time to be in the woods with all the lively sounds of spring, better weather, all the plants blooming, and the "thunder" of hearing one of those gobblers approach. You not only hear it, but you also feel it.
atta boy

Good for you BamaMac.

Be advised that you are now, however ruined for life. Spring gobbler hunting is addicting, and now that you have tasted the drug, you have the disease.

If I had to only choose one hunting sport, it would be spring gobbler.

The old turkey master, Ben Rogers Lee, claimed a man that became a turkey hunter would need a good job and a good wife, cause you were gonna loose both if you didn't have a boss and wife that understood you.

As an example, and not a boast, I hunted 21 out of 30 mornings this season. About 2/3rds of those, I went to work that PM. I lost 6 mornings to work, assigned details that required travel or an early morning shift. I took 3 AM's off, horrid weather. I loved every minute. Last day I heard at least 3 and maybe as many as 6, and worked one.

Now just hot weather and grass cutting till we get to deer hunt.