Harris County Tx - Gun in Car Question


New member
I have heard a rumor that the Harris County DA's office doesn't agree with the recently passed law that allows all people to carry a loaded gun in the car. I seem to recall a quote from the DA's office indicating that they will arrest non CCW carriers and let the court system deal with the technicalties. Does anybody know if this is true or not? My wife and kids will be driving there soon and I would like her to feel safe (from prosecution that is) with the gun in her car.
John, This was true after the state legislature changed the traveling law in 2005. Because of the Harris AND Tarrant county DA's flagrantly misapplying the new law and having anyone arrested to let the courts sort it out, the legislature rewrote the law in 2007 totally removing the 'traveling' exception and flatly declaring that it is legal to have a concealed handgun in your car, whether traveling or not.
Thanks DK. Its been a while since I lived in Texas. Back then there was no way to legally carry a weapon except by the Travelers provision. We used to go by the intrepetation that you had to leave your resident county, travel through an adjacent county, and into a third. Common thought was the thought was that you would be arrested but could argue your way out of it in front of a judge. Man were we niave back then. I was never sure if I was going to be arrested while hunting with a handgun on open land! Thank again.

Eghad - Nice to hear. Seems some of the holiest can't help but s$!? in their own nest.