Harris Bipod on Marlin??? Help!!!


New member
I've been checking into Harris Bipods recently and have decided on purchasing the 1A2H (extends from 13"-25") Anyway, all the descriptions of this bipod say it mounts to "swivel studs" on your gun stock. My stock has sling studs on the front and the rear, only neither of them swivel, they are fixed into position, with the openings of the stud facing either side of the rifle (so you could push a pin through the holes and the pin would be perpendicular in relation to the length of the rifle. Will I be able to mount a standard Harris bipod without adaptor on these studs? Thanks for the help!
Yes. By swivel studs, they mean the studs to which you attach a swivel. The part of the bipod that attaches to the stud consists of two leaves with posts in them that go on either side of the stud, with the posts in the holes. Tightening the screw closes the leaves together and secures the bipod to the gun.

Check your email. I've got the exact model Harris Bipod you want and I'd like to sell it.

Okay, I got the bipod today and it installed within seconds....I have one question about this bipod---i had no trouble extending the legs, but how on earth do you "unextend" the legs so they are 13" long instead of 23"? The instructions only say how to extend the legs, and not how to "unextend" the legs. There are two little round metal dials on the bipod, one on each leg, and I can only turn these like 10 degrees, and in every position they are in, I can't unextend the legs!!!!! Any help/advice? Thanks

PS---Basin Sports was EXCELLENT IN SERVICE (this is where I got my gun from, and they have great prices. http://www.storesonline.com/members/220635/index.html)
To collapse the legs there is a tab below the dial. Should be two tabs per
joint. Push the tab in firmly and the legs will automatically retract.
Careful with your finger placement when doing this cause it can pinch your
finger. The round dials are tensioners so that you can adjust the legs in
between clicks. Hold the leg halfway between clicks and turn it in to
tighten and hold in place, back off to release to the next click.

