Harder or easier to hide CCW?


New member
Right now I'm 5' 8" and 205 pounds. In the past month I've lost 10 pounds and I am training and dieting hard to get myself down to about 170-180. Assuming I make it (and I am confident I will since in the past 20 years I've never lost a single pound and now I'm kicking its butt), will it be harder or easier for me to conceal my concealable weapons? I have not been the smaller size since I was 19 and obviously, was not carrying concealed at that point. Does anyone have any insight into how a significant weight drop impacts your CCW?
Me Too!

I too am 5'8", but 225 lbs. I am also on a mission to lose weight to about 170-180. I certainly hope weight loss will make cc easier. I can't carry IWB in front due to my overlap. I do carry iwb in the 4 oclock position, but I think it would be more comfortable if I wasn't so fat. My biggest problems are my wife's excellent cooking and all you can eat buffets. My primary reasons for desired weight loss is for my health and appearance, but if it makes cc easier that will be a bonus too. Good luck in your mission.

Rhode Island can't be big enough to have a rural area. Really!
I'm 6'1 and 190, so a bit taller and skinnier than you will be once you reach your goal. You'll get there, so don't get discouraged. Concealed carry with IWBs, I feel, is a bit easier, but the guns I conceal are often a bit smaller than those of my friends who are a bit "fluffier", to channel Gabriel Iglesias. The heaviest I ever was was 225, and IWB carry made corners dig in uncomfortable places. OWB is definitely harder if you are a rail, as I usually have been. As my wife puts it, I have no ass. Pocket carry is easier for me. Realistically, the best concealed carry comfort comes from a really good holster. I'm a big fan of Galco for OWB.
I am 220 and about 6' - 6' 1" but I find it easy to carry my 7 shot .357 snub very comfortable IWB Appendix .It also conceals very well with a t-shirt.And I think with the right holster I might be able to carry my SW9VE but the one I have now is too bulky.
as you loose wait the guns IWB and OWB tend to get more comfortable but all so more obvious. Take it from some one who has lost a lot of weight and carries. I still do not like waist band holsters but they don't bother me like they use to.

I use to be 6' 5" 269LBS now I am 6' 5" and 212 and still going. It makes a real difference.
I am 5' 9" @ 165 lbs. I conceal a 4.25" Smith and Wesson M&P9 everyday at 4:30 IWB. Easy. And given that you will most definitely be wearing most of the clothes that you own, and that fit you, at your current weight, it will most definitely be LESS of a problem to conceal when you factor in More room in your waist line, and more room in the drape of your cover garments.

Don't worry about it. And congratulations on your dedication to increase your health and capability. That's how you get healthy like a boss.

I have lost around 60 pounds since this time last year, and am still losing. All exercise, no real diet but a determination to eat more vegetables and not go back for seconds.

Here are a few things I learned:

1) Belt fit matters. If you're serious about continuing to carry, stay on top of how your belt is fitting. You'll be tempted to think it's gotten harder to conceal the gun because your body shape is different (and to some extent that will be true) but the main difficulty for me was keeping my equipment fitting well. When you don't have a good belt that fits properly, the best holster in the world won't conceal the gun properly. The belt and the holster are a system designed to work together.

2) When your pants get loose, your belt & holster fit will change. You may need to buy new pants in the correct sizes more often than you otherwise would.

3) You may need to change your favorite carry location, moving the gun farther forward or farther back on the belt, to work with your changing body shape.

I'll be thrilled buy new pants! If I can drop from a 37" waist to a 34" waist and stay there, I'll spend $200 in new pants. Unfortunately, I just got two new belts. Although not holster belts they are surprisingly rigid, I may need to buy some leather punches to get me some more holes.

And KMAX, most of Rhode Island is actually rural. Almost the entire population of the state lives within 10 miles of Providence, leaving the rest of us a bunch of empty space to enjoy. Heck, I even set up a shooting range in my backyard it's so rural, and the cows have yet to complain.
I am 5'7" and have gone from 205 to 175 in the last few months. I find my IWB holster to be more comfortable and concealment has not suffered.

FWIW, Beltman will shorten his belts for a nominal fee. He shortens them at the buckle end and I can testify that they look fine after he shortens them.
Im 5'6", and right now holding at right around 165. At one time, I was 215. Either way, Ive always carried a full size handgun, IWB, at around 4:30.

Other than my clothes and belt changing in size, nothing else as far as the gun goes, really changed at all.

The biggest thing youll notice losing the weight, is the way you feel, both physically and emotionally. I think youre going to find you just feel a lot better, and have a much more positive attitude overall as you go down in weight, and that just helps with the carry thing.
Congrats to all of you who are successfully combating dunlaps disease. (my belly dun lapped over my belt).

Loose shirts or coats will generally conceal most firearms.

The biggest giveaway for concealed carry are the actions we take when carrying.

Attitude. most new CCWs tend to carry themselves differently than they did prior to carrying.

Touching the weapon to make sure it is there.

Some people can carry openly and the weapon will not be noticed. Others can carry concealed and everyone they meet instantly knows they are armed.

CCW carry is like playing poker. The good players have few tells. New or poor players are an open book.
I think youre going to find you just feel a lot better

Over the past 3 years I have had recurring back problems. It seems to mostly be related to my shoes and I have had some luck dealing with it by wearing better quality shoes and going to the chiropractor when it flares up (I suspect losing weight will also help). But before I had it sorted out, the doctor would give me Vicodin. It had a lot of downsides but one of the fun parts was the mania it would induce. I just felt good...until it was 2 am and I was still awake. Oh, and my back felt better, so much better I would forget I screwed it up and I would make it worse. FYI, I would not carry when I was hopped up on Vic. I avoid taking it all all costs these days.

Anyways, in the past two weeks, the exercise has also induced mania. I just feel good all the time! I'm bouncing around with a spring in my step and not a care in the world. It seems to be its own drug. So much so that in the past 21 days, I will make every possible effort to go to the gym. No mater what.

I've thought about the belts from Beltman but you know how it is, you figure you're not going to be this fat next year so you want to wait to buy that $100 belt. And 3 years later you're even fatter. Not sure what changed but something just clicked and I'm done being fat.
From 6'1" and 215 to 6''1" and 175, . . . all in about a year, . . . and for me it only got better.

I like a 1911, . . . can carry anywhere from 1:00 all the way around to 4:30, . . . or cross draw (:(), . . . or shoulder holster, . . . all work easier for me now than they did in my chub days.

I was the typical bowling pin, . . . now down more to a straight stick, . . . still wear the same clothing (mostly), . . . and I have a ton more energy. When you're 67, . . . that makes a difference.

I did find that I began to appendix carry more, . . . beginning to like it, . . . just don't have "the" holster for that yet, . . . but that may come too.

Glad to hear all of you folks getting on the wagon with me, . . . recommend it to anyone whose had a dozen or two too many Tim Horton doughnuts (my downfall :mad:).

May God bless,
Rock on with the weight loss. Gotta have a goal.
Save some of the button downs now and wear them over a t-shirt later. They will bag out a bit, so you will have a little bit of space between your IWB (or owb) and your outer shirt.