Hard To Believe.......But True


New member
At first I found the following hard to believe but it DID happen.
A co-worker of mine was going through the security check point at the Birmingham Ala. Airport, when one of the security personnel noticed an HK MP5 tie tack on his tie. Approx size was 1"x1", they told him he could not proceed to the boarding gate because of the tie tack. At first he thought they were joking but soon found out they were not.
The resaon they claimed was the regulations state that no item that has the "appearance" of a firearm will be allowed through the security check point.

I must go ahead and add the kicker to this incident......this guy is a First Officer for a major airline, was in uniform and was flying the jet out of Birmingham that morning. The station manager got involved and finally resolved the situation and he did not have to remove the tie-tack.
I have a thing about having decisions made for me by people who obviously have an IQ lower than the octane rating of wet cement.
I am not a snob and I realize that everybody needs a job, but do I have to have IDIOTS making decisions for me?? Cant they serve as horrible examples or something??

Better days to be,


Where is summary execution when it's needed?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
A similiar situation happened at the Colorado Springs airport. A woman was taking carry-on only with xmas gifts to her children. The security fools found a super soaker and would not let her board with it. She argued about it and the police were called. I do not know what happened after that as I left the area, but I did hear the officers tell the lady that she could be arrested for disturbing the peace.

I laughed and cried all of the way home.

[This message has been edited by Libertarian (edited November 09, 1999).]
Why is it that the idiots are always in charge?
Oh yeah, I forgot. Most of them were elected.

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited November 08, 1999).]
I feel safer knowing that the ever-vigilant security at airports is on the lookout for assault jewelry.

Now that's attention to detail.

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
You should have seen what I had to do to get my baby through.
He is 6 months old. He was sleeping. In a carrier...
Security lady tried to take him out o fthe carrier. My wife was like "Ah -NO..." I took him out of the carrier - carefully... then the idiotic wanna be meter maid took apart the carrier! They thrashed it. Then they wanted to search my babies clothes.
I refused and the rent a runt got pissy... After some words - the baby was awakened and fussy... I was then free to yell back now... and after some time managers and officials showed up.
Here is the results:
Even if it is "Policy" the "Officer" should have been more thoughtfull.
We were offered a free upgrade to first class. We were meeting a party at the gate and not flying. I was then given a voucher for a hotel. I live in this town. I was then given BOTH should I be flying in the future... :) With the holidays coming up - this is going to proove most handy.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I used to have a NRA Charlton Heston Bullet brigagde Silver bullet charm on my key ring. I always got stopped at the airport security for this. The security checker always was dumbfounded looking at the thing. I would explain that its a piece of jewlery and not an actual round of ammo. They would always let me through but these nummies probably had no idea what a real bullet looks like.

I finally took the thing off because i got tired of this routine.
On a recent trip to Boston, I was waiting in the baggage check line at O'hare. I had placed my heavy bag in front of the line, to avoid having to pick it up and move it in one foot increments every 30 seconds as the line progressed. One of the baggage counter clerks yelled out, "Does some BODY belong to this bag?" So I couldn't help but be a smartguy, and responded loudly, "No, there's NO body in that bag!"

The counter clerk just about had psychotic fit when she heard that smart remark. In fact I thought that she was going to call the airport nazi polizia. You would have thought I said there was a bomb in the bag (which I know is a no-no in any airport).

You have to admit, jerking their respective chains has a certain amount of appeal to it. Those mandatory baggage questions they are all supposed to ask are a joke... "Has your bag ever been out of your sight since you packed it?" No lady, I sat in the trunk with it all the way to the airport!

BTW, I'd NEVER submit to a voluntary baggage inspection (illegal search and seizure), especially after the bag just went through their x-ray machine (already a violation of my rights).

Practice civil disobedience.
Several years ago I experienced the same thing Fred S did.

A fellow soldier I was stationed with in Germany made key ring fobs (as a hobby) out of expended .45 ACP brass, bullets (dug out of backstops), a cotter ping and some type of epoxy to hold it all together. He was kind enough to give one to me prior to my PCSing back to the states.

A few years later while traveling (I can't remember which airport...I was traveling on TDY orders) the duty security moron noticed it on my key ring when I dropped it in the bowl prior to going through the metal detector. He threw a fit, said I couldn't board with it. I explained the situation, he wouldn't back down and a supervisor was called. Bottomline, to avoid missing my flight, I removed the trinket and left it in his hand with instructions to shove it as far up his ass as he could possibly reach. I then boarded the AC.

yet i boarded a shuttle to NYC from DC national, with a gym back stuffed with scsi cables, hard drives, nut drivers, screw drivers, & similar stuff.
the bag weighed 10 pounds.
i dropped it on the xray scan belt and when it went through they asked what it was...
i responded "computer cables & junk"


illusion of security

A friend of mine, and FFL Dealer, forgot that he was wearing his NAA Guardian belt buckle when he walked through the metal detector. Fortunately when they wanded him down and saw the buckle, the only thing they said was, "Oh, it's just your belt buckle."

Needless to say, he nearly wet himself when he found out what he had just done.
In a fit of near suicidal absent mindedness, I walked through the metal detector at an airport with a Gerber EZ Out knife clipped to my trouser pocket. As I came through, none of the several "Security" personnel made mention of the fact, even tho the clip could easily be seen. Duh....

Next time, they hand frisked me, after wanding, turned out my suspenders had little metal clips...
Maybe it's time for me to start thinking about how I can screw with the airport bureaucracy at every turn for my flight to the East Coast in July.

I'll arrive plenty early for my flight.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
I'm thinking about flying to the Libertarian convention next year. Notes to self:

-Make sure SA knife and dummy .308 cart are on my keychain;

-Pack an old, beat-up, non-functioning laptop that doesn't go beep;

-Show CHL as ID;
--Get CHL just so I can screw with the pinheads;

-Wear leather jacket with lots of zippers and pockets, steel-boned belt, steel-toed boots.

Any other monkeywrenching ideas?

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Coinneach, CO CAN Operator
Dave, I always carry a knife. I have a Buck folder with pocket clip, put it in the tray to go through, and the the security agent saw it. Pulled it out of the tray and opened it. While he was looking at it, I am wondering whats going on here? He calls another agent over, they look at it some more. Then he says "That's a nice blade you got there, I need to get me one" and hands it back to me.

In Korea, I had security freak out over one of those leatherman folding tools. What did they think I was going to do, try to take the 747 apart on the way home?
Ain't no telling sometimes. Back in the 60s when I'd fly home from college, I'd bring the Colt SA that was my pride and joy along as carryon baggage in a bag. Sometimes it would still be loaded. Times sure have changed...
You all must realize, of course, that these same types when asked the question; Why?,55 years ago said,"I was just following orders."

Too many people will obey an order even if it is wrong, or just too stupid to be believed.

Ever notice that airline pilots have to go through security, but ramp workers do not?
What kind of logic is that??