Hard on the Guns

Ned Roundtree

New member
Cowboy shooting almost every weekend is taking it's toll. Three weekends ago at Fox Bend, my IGA sxs broke when grit got into the firing pin area. I had to shoot the entire match (22 shotgun rounds) with a single barrel. Two weekends ago, on stage one at Knob Creek, I missed five of ten rifle shots! Could not believe it. Looked down and the rear sight was all but off the barrel. Then last weekend at Hooten Regulators, on stage one, my Winchester 97 forearm stuck in the forward position after firing! Luckily I had brought a back up shotgun. Yiiiipes!! Will be bringing back up guns from now on. :rolleyes:
I have yet to try a Cowboy shoot, but I do, or I did, use the hell out of my .44Mag Trapper. I didn't notice the screw through the mag tube working itself loose until it was too late. :( From now on, me and Locktite are going to have a real close relationship.