Hard Chroming


Anyone know the best place to get a pistol hard chromed, i am in oregon and would prefer something on the west coast. thanks alot
knight, 11/10/08

I have had seven pistols hard-chromed due to corrosion problems here in the tropics where I live. I looked for someone who could do a good job at a reasonable price and turn-around time. I finally picked Techplate in California. They have great customer service, do good work and my pistols are back to my door about three weeks after I mail them out. Check them out at www.techplate.com. If you have any questions email them and address it to Marshall- he's been very knowledgable and helpful. Good luck.

best wishes- oldandslow
knight, 11/11/08

While I would never live in California again or let my kids go to college there I had no problem sending my pistols to Techplate in California. I also have heard good things about CCR refinishing but I have no direct experience with them. Good luck.

best wishes- oldandslow