Hard Chrome Questions

Joshua 2415

New member
I'm thinking of getting a 1911 that I would have sent away for Hard Chrome finishing.

Question 1: Does it matter if the gun is stainless or carbon steel?

Question 2: If I get a used gun with some scratches and dings, will the folks doing the Hard Chrome treatment be able to first polish out the blemishes?

Question 3: Will hard chrome be less likely, or more likely, to get scratches and dings, compared with original stainless or carbon steel?

Thanks for the help.
1- It does not matter if it is stainless or chrome-moly steel, they will treat it accordingly.

2- Folks who do firearms restoration know how to get dings and such out of a gun, it should not matter if it has a few scratches or dings. HOWEVER, if it has deep dings in it, they will show after it is plated.

3- Hard chrome is very hard, as the name implies, about Rc70. Stainless is fairly soft, about Rc42. Polished stainless will scratch if you run your fingers across it, hard chrome will not scratch if you run your car keys across it. Hard chrome will scratch, but the things that will scratch hard chrome will really damage a stainless or chrome-moly surface.
Polishing-out minor scratches will usually be included in the cost of finishing, but something closer to damage, such as pitting or other deep imperfections will probably incur additional charges.
Agree with Rick. APW charges $210 for "direct chrome" with "flaw removal."
No doubt they would charge extra if the flaws were many and large.

Be sure you have the gun otherwise as you want it before having it plated.
A gunsmith will grumble about cutting through the hard chrome and you will be in for an expensive refinish to cover the modifications. So get it right to start.
Round or chamfer sharp corners .To do it after HC will remove the HC !
Send it only to a company that does it for firearms ! As it is electro-plating ,holes will have thinner plating . Sharp outer corners will have heavier plating. Read all the info supplied and ask questions !