Hard angle up hill shot


New member
This has come up before but several stdents in my class asked about "hold" on hard angle up hill and down hill shots.

I don't remember the rules. Anyone help?


"single shot shooters only shoot once"
When shooting at an uphill or down hill angle the bullet will have less drop. So if say your sighted in at 100 yards and your target is at an uphill or downhill angle 100 yards away your bullet will hit higher than your point of aim.
"Hold low when shooting uphill or downhill" is what it sez in my Speer handloader's guide, version 12. What it is, is, the cosine of the angle is your multiplier. In other words, if a target is 300 yards away and uphill (or downhill) at a 30-degree angle, the cosine is 0.866.

.866 X 300 = 259 yards, actual horizontal distance or "effective" distance. For the typical .243/.270/'06, this means about two inches less drop than usual. Four inches instead of six inches.

In other words, if it's no more than 300 yards in distance, and no more than 30 degrees, forget it. If it's on up toward 45 degrees and inside of 300 yards, you might hold a couple of inches lower than usual.


[This message has been edited by Art Eatman (edited April 16, 2000).]

When shooting up or down hill you aim low. How much depends on your cartridge/projectial. Here is the data I got for a Fed Match 168gr BTHP fired @ 45 degrees..

100 yds - 0.8"
200 yds - 3.4"
300 yds - 8.0"
400 yds - 15.0"
500 yds - 25.0"

Remember aim Low

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"