Happy Veterans Day


New member
Happy Veterans Day. My hat's off to all of you who've stood the line for Old Glory and the dream of our forefathers. God Bless.
Happy Veterans Day, i got a big flag hanging from my house.

i don't know where my uncle got it from but it is big. L15-20ft and width10ft.
Happy Veterans Day to my fellow brothers and sisters in arms who have served in the previous wars before me I salute you!!! To all my brothers and sisters who are serving in the armed forces currently and to all the brave men and women I served with in Operation Iraqi Freedom Theater of operation I salute you!!! Have a wonderful day and god bless.

Lightening Service-25th Infantry Division Light (Tropic Lightening)
En Avant-28th Infantry The Bloody Bucket
The Third is Always First-3rd Army General Patton's Own
Wasn't going to be in town today, so yesterday I went by the cemetary across Ramsey Street from the VA hospital in Fayetteville, NC and spoke to my friend Dan Pitzer again. Dan died from complications of leukemia in 1995, while we were both working at the US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Ft. Bragg.

Today I give thought to all those many others- my dad, a US Army Air Corps tech sergeant in WW2, my mother's father and our neighbors at home who were veterans of WW1, so many of my own family and my friends from a working career spent with the Army as a civilian. There are so many who served through all the years and wars, some of whom did not make it home and so many who have since departed. God bless them every one, and their loved ones too. The sacrifices are so tremendous both for those who serve and families who must give them up, either for a time or forever.

I am taking a day off work to thank the veterans who have provided America with the blanket of freedom. Thanks Vets and see you at the Parade.

I got a call yesterday at work from a local TV station asking if I could come into the morning show for about 5-10 minutes this morning to talk to them as a veteran. I agreed and came in. They gave me a certificate of appreciation and this houmongous choclate chip cookie musta been 24" x 18" with Thank You and an American Flag on it. However, I am a diabetic...lol. So on my way back to the house I dropped it off by the Nursing Home because I know there are some Vets there and I wanted somebody to enjoy it.
Lee -- thank you very much for posting the link with the information about CSM Pitzer. I too had the privledge of knowing and working with him in the '80s on the SWCS SERE Committee.

Best wishes all,
Avispls, Thank You. It took a while for the tears to clear. That could be any one of several shipmates and as I listened I saw the face of my best friend AMS1 Jerry Dan Byars (Yogi Bear.) Yogi left a new and pregnant wife, never saw his son. Yogi and my shipmates died in the USS Forrestal fire. Believe me I remember...........every day. God Bless all of our veterans, past and present.