Happy Turkey Day! (the real one)


New member
Any of my fellow Hoosiers bag a long-beard today? I really wanted to go this morning. But sadly a change in work schedule is starting to look like my weeks of scouting and call practice will be for nothing :(

Post pictures or you story from your fall hunt!
Georgia doesn't have a Fall turkey season. My best guess is because our deer season starts so early and they don't want them to overlap. Our archery deer season here started 3 weeks ago and rifle season opens Saturday. It ends on either Jan. 1 or 15 depending on which part of the state. When do your deer seasons and Fall turkey normally fall?
Opening day for deer archery is Oct 1st and runs through January. Fall turkey opens for both firearms and archery on Oct. 15th for southern Indiana.
sorry, I celebrate "fake thanksgiving" in November. our turkey season is closed until the week or two preceding the aforementioned turkeyday.