Happy Birthday U.S.M.C.

From an indebted outsider, Happy Birthday.
And a "thank you" to all Marines, just for being a Marine.
Absolutely. Got the question from my dad last night. "Do you know what took place November 10th, 1775?" Naturally I knew the answer, seeing as though he has asked my evey year for the last 20! I have learned over the last 41 years that there are, in fact, no EX marines. They are merely no longer on active duty. Semper Fi and God bless my dad and every other marine and the Corps.

Regards, Chris..
In behalf of my father...

Happy Birthday and Semper Fi!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Happy B-Day to my relatives currently serving in the Corps, to my relatives who served in the Corps, and to all active, reserve and former Marines.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Happy birthday to the Corps past and present.
224 years of tradition unmarred by progress!
That is said with pride BTW. OOH-RAH!
"Thank God for the United States Marines. At least they still turn out men. Crazy ones and wild to be sure. Mad as March hares each and every one of them, but true men for all of that...and dashing men to boot."
-Sammy Amalu, Columnist 1971

"I have just returned from visiting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world"
-General Douglas MacArthur 1950

"The Marines have landed and the situation is well in hand"
-Richard Harding Davis

"...where uncommon valor was a common virtue"
-Admiral Chester Nimitz, 1945

"Come on you sons of b*****s! Do you want to live forever?"
-GySgt Daley going over the top, Belleau Wood, 1918

"The Marines were ready to fight; if they had not been, we might still be fighting in the Pusan perimeter"
-Hanson Baldwin, 1950

"...and Saint David"
-Boxer Rebellion 1900

"Old breed? New breed? There's not a d*** bit of difference as long as it's the Marine breed"
-Chesty Puller


Happy Birthday USMC. And to all Marines, past, present and future: Keep the faith and fight the good fight.

Semper Fidelis,
This is the absolute truth. I woke up this morning singing the Marine Hymn to myself. When I saw this thread, I knew why. :)

Happy Birthday to the Corp and a salute to all who have served and are serving. My dad was a career Marine. And, as several have said, once a Marine, always a Marine. He retired over forty years ago, yet never lost touch with friends he had in WW II and Korea until he died a few years ago. I have nothing but fond memories growing up on several Marine bases around the country. In fact, it is because of the Marines that I ended up in No. VA, his final tour of duty was at Quantico.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Remember also those who now serve under St. Peter. My Father is one of them, having survived Iwo Jima, open heart surgery and prostate cancer only to be felled by bone cancer. As an earlier poster mentioned, he also never forgot those with whom he served. Semper Fi
On November 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia, adopted a secret resolution that formally established a military organization whose fame and tradition was destined to achieve prominence in the annals of American warfare. The resolution reads:
Resolved--That two battalions of Marines be raised consisting of one colonel, two lieutenant colonels, two majors and officers as usual in other regiments; That they consist of an equal number of privates with other battalions; that particular care be taken that no persons be appointed to office or enlisted into said battalions, but such as are good seamen, or so acquainted with Maritime affairs as to be able to serve to advantage by sea, when required. That they be enlisted and commissioned for and during the present war between Great Britain and the colonies, unless dismissed by order of Congress: That they be distinguished by the names of the 1st and 2d Battalions of American Marines, and that they be considered as part of the number, which the continental Army before Boston is ordered to consist of.
Semper Fi

Apologies for being a day late: Semper Fi amd God Bless the Corps
Just thought I'd share this -
Yesterday morning I mentioned to my wife that it was the Marine birthday. I came home last night the flag was out front and they had baked me a cake! So we had a Marine birthday ball right there at home!
What a great family I have.
Semper Fi


So declared West Virginia's Governor at yesterday's dedication of the Viet Nam Veteran's Memorial in Charleston. This is one nave of a four nave memorial with Army, Navy and Air Force servicemen representing WWI, WWII and Korea in the other three nave. The Marine Corps got the Nam nave.

This memorial was put together entirely as a result of the initiative of Joe Mullins, a Marine Corps veteran. He was supported by three governors, many business leaders and a broad spectrum of veterans.

Joe, a local artist and teacher at West Virgina State College, created the design, raised the money, lived at the sight for months in a trailer and pushed this ball over the goal line primarily with his own grit.

Roger McDowell, another Marine Corps Viet Nam vet from Hurricane, W.Va. gets credit for the "stylistic" inspiration for the USMC representative. The first idea was to put a guy in a poncho on the theory that that's what they wore most of the time.

Roger said "Bull Snot." We want a lean mean fighting machine ready to rock and roll. So the M-60 Machine Gun, 1911 and K-Bar knife replaced the poncho. This thing oozes testosterone.

The memorial is complete with the fourth statue. It is circular with a cross cut through the middle. The names of all killed in action are carved on the interior walls, the statues are on the exterior. It is a rare, truely fine, piece of work.

You can view it by exiting I-64 at Exit 99 (Greenbrier Street Exit), heading south towards the Kanawha River, and stopping about 300 yards on your left. Worth the stop.

An outstanding event for all concerned.

PS The Governor was totally "on" yesterday but a number of us sued the state (successfully so far - got an injunction) about 8 weeks ago to keep them from cutting down all of the trees that surround the memorial. To make room for a bus turnaround. Go figure.

[This message has been edited by abruzzi (edited November 12, 1999).]