Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeeee,,,

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New member
Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeeee,,,
I am now, by official gubbamint standards,,,
A full fledged Medicare Card Carrying Senior Citizen.

Yes good folk,,,
65 years ago on this date I was born,,,
At approximately 10 am In the back room of the 1520 club.

Mom owned a tiny little beer-bar on 1520 SW 29th street in OK City,,,
Apparently I gave her very little warning that morning as she was opening the bar for the lunch crowd.

So it dawned on me,,,
I currently own 64 fiery-arms,,,
I really need to buy another gun of some type.

One for each year and all that. ;)

I think I'll use the $178.00 in Cabela's Bucks I have accumulated,,,
I own a full size Henry Acu-Bolt chambered in .22 LR,,,
I think I'll order a Mini-Bolt Youth as a companion.

Earlier this year a gun-less friend asked if he could borrow a .22 rifle for a weekend,,,
He had an opportunity to do some shooting at a relatives place,,,
And wanted to take his 8 year old son for his first shoot.

I loaned him my Savage Mk-II F for his use,,,
And my little Crickett for his son.

He and his boy had a blast,,,
The picture they took is very memorable.

I think it will be cool to have another set of adult/child rifles,,,
Not due to any need but just for the heck of it.

The other cool part is I stumbled upon a rifle case that will hold all four rifles,,,
It's a Plano (I think) and is like two cases in one,,,
Each side will hold a pair of the rifles.

Again, I know there's no real reason to do this,,,
But hey, I'm a 65 year old codger now,,,
I don't really need a reason. :D


Happy Birthday Aaron. If you don't have a .50 BMG, get one. Or PM me and we can shoot mine, I'm south of you ~ 3 hours.
I own 81 guns. Twenty two more than my years. I would be happy to only own 25 guns if I could just be 25 again.:(

Getting old sucks. The good thing about it is that it doesn't last.:p:D

I'm not quite a half dozen years behind you.

Please, DON'T get out of the way anytime soon! :D

and yes, I've already got the one gun for every year thing covered, for about another decade, anyway...but then, I might have to go back to work...;)
Two words - Silver Sneakers.....

Make sure when you get your Medicare supplement or advantage it includes Silver Sneakers.

Mine does & it pays 100% of my monthly dues to two swim clubs (~ $125.00 total).

That frees up a good chunk of ammo money.
I've had to curtail my shooting because my health coverage, prescriptions and health club memberships were eating up all my recreation money.

Now that Medicare/Silver Sneakers/HFA have kicked in, I have money to shoot again. It's been a long dry 6 years...
Happy birthday, Aarond! You have a few months on me, so you must be pretty ancient.

Hal, that's good advice about the Silver Sneakers. I'll have to remember that when I get there...
Happy birthday Aarond. I'll be 70 in 10 days. I acquire firearms at about half your pace - only about 30 or so in my Fort Knox safe. :D
Two days late but I'm sipping a glass of Highland Park in your honour!!

Here's to you, ole' bean!

My auto-birthday present this year also had a trigger, but it had a string and two limbs at the other end!! And the ammo is re-useable!
Thanks for all the well wishes Gentlemen,,,

Thanks for all the well wishes Gentlemen,,,
I did survive my Annual Birthday Debauch well enough.

Yes, I went to my favorite watering hole and got inebriated,,,
But I believe that I did it in a responsible fashion.

I had a motel room booked,,,
A designated sober-driver/co-pilot,,,
And all fiery-arms were locked in the safe.

I think that will be the last time I do that though,,,
The next morning wasn't painful,,,
But it was very very fuzzy.

Thanks again gentlemen.


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