Happy Birthday JMB


New member
Thank John
For all those kids who started plinking with an SA-22…
For the satisfaction of breaking that difficult pair with a Superposed
For all the deer put in the freezer with that old .30-30…
For those duck limits bagged with an A5…
For the guys going through Hell who thanked God when the big .50 barked…
For the good guys who came home because their 1911s and Hi-Powers went bang when they needed to…
For Fun, Food, Family and Freedom:
Thank John Moses Browning
Let me check if Google commemorated the event....
What a surprise. But I don't think they did Anton Kalashnikov either.
For the guys going through Hell who thanked God when the big .50 barked…

And the .30s and the BAR...

As great as the 1911A1's contribution was (and still is) I think the Browning machine guns, did even more.

It was Ma Deuce that tore the Axis out of the sky, and much, much more.

It was Browning pistols and machineguns that took the fight to the enemy, and held them at bay. Now I know that no weapon operates in a vacuum, and it was our combined arms and the bravery of the men & women in them that defeated the enemy in WWII, but imagine how differently things might have gone without the Browning designed arms that served us so well.

Browning designed guns that worked, and worked well, and because of that,
he deserves the recognition he will never get, officially.

Some yahoo who can't even paint a decent picture gets famous for "art" but the gun who invented the tools that defend liberty gets ignored by about everyone outside of our community. It ain't right, but its the way of our world, more the pity...