Happy BD to ME


New member
Things sorta went my way & was able to do this for my BD

A Public Thanks to the gentlemen that made it happen (& they did`nt know it was my BD)


Gonna clean em up & see what`s what`s Saturday !!!:D

Anybody got a line on a tension washer instead of the split spring for the sprue plate ???

I`ve checked Lowe`s & Home Depot :(
I give up, what are you casting Saturday? Looks like a big Keith pistol boolit, possibly Lyman moulds. Still too hot here to get serious about casting, gotta live vicariously sometimes.
Clean & warm


Was gonna try both moulds but too rainy (stormy, blowing rain in the barn door) but did get the 357446 HP cleaned up enuff to try !!

Lucked out .3595x.360" & they fall from the mould !!!!& ya would`nt believe how easy the pin pulls !!!!!:eek:

Somtimes it`s time for a little sunshine !!!!

YEAH if ya carry a fan around with ya where everya go !!! Humidity it`s like wading in a pool of hot water !!!

Bet we get a noreasterner this time :(

TGN are you in the dry spot in Texas ???

Another Texan said "it was so dry pop corn would`nt even pop" !!!

How are the ranchers watering & feeding the cows ????

I thought of all that water rolling down the Mighty Mississippi drowning crops that would usually feed cattle ,how they feeding there`s ???

I worry `bout my next rib eye !!!

But other than that , I`m holding a fair hand !:cool:
Today was the 3rd day of under 100 degrees in the last six weeks or so. More than a few customers are small cattle ranchers and have sold their entire herds. No water, no grass, no herd.:( Entire lakes west of here are dry. Some areas' last precip was a snowstorm in February. Very sad.
Gentle rain was falling early yesterday morning when I let the dog out and I stood in the open door (in my underwear) laughing like an idiot.
Get your ribeyes now and freeze them. Sale barns are running at capacity so beef may be at a low point today.
Too hot to do much smelting or casting but someday soon I'll start on the projects I put on hold months ago. Been doing a little smelting and test-boolit casting but nothing serious. Ordered a Lee six-cavity TL452-200 mould, handles and sizer today but need to score at least 100# of WW's to make it thru the winter.
Your new mould looks like a 158 grainer, maybe heavier. Looking forward to a range report.